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This function is used to set the mouse cursor for a given graphical object.


In the Cloud client, any type of image supported by the browser can be used. If it is not a cursor file, the cursor's hot spot will be fixed in the top left of the image. You can also use the VaToolBxJavaSetFileCursor function to set the coordinates of the hot spot. It is supported in Cloud.


Caution: generally speaking, animated cursors (.ANI) are not supported by browsers (apart from Internet Explorer). .CUR files are, however, supported.



  • Windows client,

  • Adelia Cloud client.





Name of the graphical object or layout design window.



Name of the file containing the cursor. Cursor files carry the extension CUR (static cursors) or ANI (animated cursors).

In the Cloud client, any type of image supported by the browser can be used as a cursor.



Return code for the operation:

*TRUE   if the operation was successful.

*FALSE  if the cursor could not be loaded from the specified file.



CursorFile = 'c:\cursors\cursor1.cur'

CALL_DLL 'VATOOLBX.DLL' 'VaToolBxSetFileCursor' Applic_Win CursorFile OK


List of the VaToolBx functions by topic


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