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To add one or more objects to a block in a Visual or Web program, select the Add objects option in the context-sensitive menu for any of the following blocks:


  • When this dialog box is called from the SFTKYS_PROCESS paragraph, the list of elements will not include all the Adelia objects, just those for which a PROMPT has been implemented.
  • With WADELIA programs, this dialog box contains the various objects defined in the HTML page using the Dreamweaver® layout manager.
    Objects are added to the WORK WITH EVENTS block automatically at the HTML page analysis and backup stage.



List of the existing objects in the layout, excluding those already in the current block.

Extended-selection list.




Validates the selection and creates the relevant blocks in the document's tree view and source view.



Closes the dialog box without validating the selection.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.



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