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To debug an Adelia Cloud application, select the Attach to Adelia Cloud server option in the Visual/Web debugger window's File menu.


The debugger is used to attach to a Java application server (Tomcat, etc.) to debug a WADELIA session. To do so, the application server running the Adelia Cloud applications should be booted with the JPDA debugging support, and the system property "adelia.debuggingsupport" should be defined.


Data entry

Host name

This field lets you enter the host name or IP address for the machine on which the application server has been booted.

Compulsory field.


The Sessions button corresponding to this field enables you to connect to the application server and repatriate the list of active Cloud sessions that have started up the debugging support.


Debugger port

This field lets you enter the connection port associated with the proxy daemon of the debugger.

Compulsory field.



The graphical list displays the Cloud sessions in debugging mode that are active on the application server. This list displays the following, in order:

- session ID,

- user name,

- date and hour when the session was started.




This button opens a debugging session for the selected Cloud session.


Note: You must select a session by default. It is the session in which the new processes will be created. In attachment mode, it is possible to work with any process running on the server.



This button closes the dialog box without validating any changes.



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