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This action lets you transfer the objects modified by a correction from the correction environment to the production environment or one of the development environments, or else to one of the version manager's associated correction environments.

This operation can only be performed by users with the specific validation correction authority (*VAL_COR) for the correction environment, and the *EXC authority for the destination environments.


The action is divided into two steps:


1.   Preparation for object reception

Various controls are performed on all the objects held for correction, to determine whether they can be received without any problems. When these controls are complete:

  • certain objects may be excluded from the reception operation (e.g. if receiving an object would cause a conflict with another object having the same name);
  • other objects may need to be confirmed by the user. This can happen, for example, if an object to be received has been modified in the receiving environment (as it is often the case in development environments) other than by validating a correction. The user is warned that if he does not confirm reception of the object, the modifications made during the correction process will need to be repeated manually.


2.    Object reception

Priority is given to receiving any conceptual objects in the correction. Next, the LDM generation process is run, then the remaining objects are also received.


In production or development type receiving environments, the validated corrections are accessible for consultation (you can display the correction comments, the objects in the correction, which objects were received or not, and the validation report).

In "associated correction" receiving environments, the validated objects are assigned to a correction. This correction is known as a validation correction, and is selected, or its name entered, before the validation process is run. You can modify these objects before validating this correction in the corresponding production environment.


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