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This window lets you select the programs whose constants will be exported into the Microsoft Excel export file.



To choose programs for the constant export procedure, click the Programs Sublist button in the Export Criteria dialog box.



Source programs

List of programs whose constants will be exported into the Excel file.

Program details are set out in four columns:


Program name.


Possible values:

- "Current"           The program has not been modified since the last time its constants were extracted.

- "Modified"          The program has been modified since the last time its constants were extracted.


Type of program whose constants are to be exported.


Additional description of the program.


This list lets you select one or more programs to which the "Remove" action can be applied. To exclude a program from the export operation, select the program in the Source Programs list and click the Remove button. Double-clicking on the program that you want to remove has the same effect.

Multiple-selection list.


Notes: you can select all the programs in the list by double-clicking on a column header.

Left-clicking once on a column header sorts the column in ascending alphabetical order.

Right-clicking once on a column header sorts the column in descending alphabetical order.



Preselection list showing the programs available for the constant export feature.

These are the programs in the application areas checked in the Application Areas Sublist dialog box.

Program details are set out in four columns:


Program name.


Possible values:

- "Current"           The program has not been modified since the last time its constants were extracted.

- "Modified"          The program has been modified since the last time its constants were extracted.


Type of program whose constants are to be exported.


Additional description of the program.


You can select one or more programs in this list, and instruct them to be "Added". To add a program for the export procedure, select the program in the Programs list and then click the Add button.

Double-clicking on the program that you want to add has the same effect.

Multiple-selection list.


Notes: you can select all the programs in the list by double-clicking on a column header.

Left-clicking once on a column header sorts the column in ascending alphabetical order.

Right-clicking once on a column header sorts the column in descending alphabetical order.


You can use a filter above the list to restrict what is displayed. You can use regular expressions in these filters. Once the filter has been validated, the program list is refreshed.




This button adds the programs selected in the available program preselection list to the list of source programs of the constants to be exported.

Double-clicking on the program that you want to add has the same effect.

This button is only active if one or more items have been selected in the program preselection list.



Clicking this button removes the selected program from the list of source programs for the constant export procedure, and returns it to the available program preselection list. Double-clicking on the program that you want to remove has the same effect.

This button is only active if one or more items have been selected in the list of programs for the export procedure.



This button opens a dialog box that lets you select the application areas whose programs are to be displayed in the program preselection list.

This lets you restrict this list by reinitializing it based on the new criteria.



This button saves the choice of programs selected for the export procedure (i.e. the programs in the "Source Programs" list) and closes the current window. If the "Source Programs" list is empty, all the constants will be exported.



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