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To display, create or modify the formats of a report template, click the Formats button of the Create/Modify a report template dialog box.




Any existing report template formats are displayed in a list, in increasing order.

The list can contain from 0 to 99 formats.

The existing formats can be modified or deleted. They can also be resequenced.

When a format is selected, the data defining it is displayed in the input fields located above the list. When the list is empty, these fields are used to create a format.

Single-selection list.


Format display type

Display type of data in the format.

Values available:


Only one variable and the associated description per line.


The variables are adjusted under the associated column heading description.


The system displays as many variables and associated description as possible on the same line.

Mandatory selection.


Data entry

Format code

Format code (two characters).

Mandatory entry.


Format guide word

Adelia guide word associated with the format. The guide word must be a valid name (as defined by IBM).

Default: SORxx, xx being the format code.


Important note: The "TA" format is forbidden because the DDS name would then be "SORTA", which is an IBM reserved word.


Column heading format

Format code containing the definition of column headings. This data item is only relevant when a column-type display is selected.


Skip before

Number of the line from which the format is edited (corresponds to the command SKIP BEFORE).


Skip after

Number of the line from which the next format is edited (corresponds to the command SKIP AFTER).


Lines before format

Number of lines skipped before the first format line is printed (corresponds to the command SPACE BEFORE).

Enter the number of skipped lines directly, or scroll through the existing numbers using the arrow buttons to select the desired number.


Lines after format

Number of lines skipped after the last format line is printed (corresponds to the command SPACE AFTER).

Enter the number of skipped lines directly, or scroll through the existing numbers using the arrow buttons to select the desired number.




This button adds, at the bottom of the list, the format defined in the input fields.

It is not active when the mandatory input fields are empty.



This button validates the data contained in the input fields and updates the list accordingly.

This button is not active when no format is selected in the list.



This button deletes the selected format from the list.

This button is not active when no format is selected in the list.


Enter/Modify (validation)

The Enter button (in display mode) closes the dialog box.

The Modify button (in modification mode) validates the choices made and closes the dialog box.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the choices made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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