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To insert a Calendar object, you must either:

  • Choose the Adelia Web Studio Objects/Calendar option in the Insert menu in the Macromedia Dreamweaver window.

  • Click the button in Dreamweaver's Adelia object insertion bar.

This dialog box lets you specify the attributes of the Calendar object.



Adelia guide word of the field.



Adelia type of the field.

Possible values:

Packed 6 including 0 decimals,

Packed 8 including 0 decimals,


Extended 6 including 0 decimals,

Extended 8 including 0 decimals.


Date format

Numerical format (combination of year, month and day) of the calendar date value.

This attribute is only processed if the calendar is bound to an Adelia control and its Adelia type is 'numerical' (extended or condensed). In this case, the format must match that of the control's date.

Possible values:






D represents the Days value on two digits.

M represents the Month value on two digits.

The number of digits representing the Year (Y) depends on the Adelia type's length (6 or 8 characters).



As above.



As above.



As above.



As above.



As above.


Bound control (CT)

Adelia guide word for the field represented by an or tag, the value of which is displayed by the calendar.

In this case, you can change the field's value by selecting a date in the calendar.


Display type

Display type (frame or window) used for the calendar.

This field is only visible if the calendar is bound to an Adelia control.

Possible values:




The calendar is displayed in a new browser window.


The calendar is displayed in a new browser window. This window behaves modally to the page's window.


The calendar is displayed as a frame within the window.


Display position

Cardinal display position of the calendar relative to the image button.

This field is only visible if the calendar is bound to an Adelia control.

Possible values:




The calendar is centered on the page.


The calendar is located above the image button.


The calendar is located below the image button.


The calendar is located to the right of the image button.


The calendar is located to the left of the image button.


The calendar is located above and to the right of the image button.


The calendar is located below and to the right of the image button.


The calendar is located above and to the left of the image button.


The calendar is located below and to the left of the image button.





The calendar is enabled.

Not checked

The calendar is disabled.

It is not possible to change the calendar display or select a date.


Week number


Displays the current month's week numbers in the left section of the calendar.


Day's date text


Displays the text for the current date at the bottom of the calendar.


Minimum date (ISO)

Value representing the earliest date that can be selected using the calendar.

This value must be specified in the ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD).


Maximum date (ISO)

Value representing the latest date that can be selected using the calendar.

This value must be specified in the ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD).


Week start day

First day of the week.

Possible values:




Monday is set as the first day of the week.


Tuesday is set as the first day of the week.


Wednesday is set as the first day of the week.


Thursday is set as the first day of the week.


Friday is set as the first day of the week.


Saturday is set as the first day of the week.


Sunday is set as the first day of the week.


Week day names

Format of the names of the days of the week, i.e. one or three letters.

Possible values:




The name of each day of the week is represented by its initial letter, in upper case.

This gives "M" for Monday, etc.


The name of each day of the week is represented by a three-letter abbreviation (first three letters).

This gives "Mon." for Monday.



Days color

Text color:

- of the current date,

- of the days in the current month.

This colour can be specified as follows:

- as a Red Green Blue triplet (e.g. #FF0000),

- as an HTML literal constant (e.g. red),

- as a CSS class that sets a value for the color CSS attribute.


Month background color

Background color of the box in which the current month is displayed.

This colour can be specified as follows:

- as a Red Green Blue triplet (e.g. #FF0000),

- as an HTML literal constant (e.g. red),

- as a CSS class that sets a value for the background-color CSS attribute.


Title color

Text color:

- of the current month and year,

- of the day in the selected date.

This colour can be specified as follows:

- as a Red Green Blue triplet (e.g. #FF0000),

- as an HTML literal constant (e.g. red),

- as a CSS class that sets a value for the color CSS attribute.


Bar color

Background color:

- of the top section containing the browsing buttons and the text for the current month and year,

- of the circle used to mark the day corresponding to the selected date.

This colour can be specified as follows:

- as a Red Green Blue triplet (e.g. #FF0000),

- as an HTML literal constant (e.g. red),

- as a CSS class that sets a value for the background-color CSS attribute.


Horizontal line color

Color of the horizontal line that separates the days of the week from the days in the current month.

This colour can be specified as follows:

- as a Red Green Blue triplet (e.g. #FF0000),

- as an HTML literal constant (e.g. red),

- as a CSS class that sets a value for the border-bottom-color CSS attribute. It is possible to use the border-bottom-style and border-bottom-width attributes, in which case, you must include an !important directive after the declaration.


Vertical line color

Color of the vertical line that separates the week numbers from the days in the current month. This colour can be specified as follows:

- as a Red Green Blue triplet (e.g. #FF0000),

- as an HTML literal constant (e.g. red),

- as a CSS class that sets a value for the border-right-color CSS attribute. It is possible to use the border-right-style and border-right-width attributes, in which case, you must include an !important directive after the declaration.


Week days color

Text color for the days of the week.

This colour can be specified as follows:

- as a Red Green Blue triplet (e.g. #FF0000),

- as an HTML literal constant (e.g. red),

- as a CSS class that sets a value for the color CSS attribute.


Week number color

Text color for the current month's week numbers.

This colour can be specified as follows:

- as a Red Green Blue triplet (e.g. #FF0000),

- as an HTML literal constant (e.g. red),

- as a CSS class that sets a value for the color CSS attribute.





An Adelia event processing block is assigned when a date is selected by clicking on a day. The event processing block can be either an Adelia event (which may or may not validate the form) or a Javascript expression.

If the calendar is bound to an Adelia control, the control's value is updated before the event processing block is executed.


Reversible (drop-down menu)

Defines whether the OnClick event can be canceled by clicking on the browser's Previous button.

Possible values:


The event can be cancelled.


The event cannot be cancelled.


The event does not enable the browser's Previous button. If this button was already enabled before executing a dummy event, clicking on it cancels the last event triggered before the dummy event. A dummy event must be an Ajax event.


Note: This option is only available if the WADELIA program was created with browser Previous / Next button support enabled.




Defines an AJAX event.


Event (combo menu)

Lets you add an OnChange event processing block to the Calendar object.

This event processing block is executed when a date is selected by clicking on a day.

Note: Adding an OnChange event processing block to a Calendar object named OBJ_1 creates an event block named OBJ_1:ONCHANGE in the 4GL source when the HTML page is saved. OBJ_1:ONCHANGE is nested in the OBJ_1 object block, which is itself nested in the EVENT MANAGEMENT block.



Unvalidated event

Lets you add and execute an OnChange event processing block in the Calendar object, without checking the validity of the fields in the HTML page in any way.

Note: Any Adelia variables linked with the graphical objects on the page are not updated.


Upload event

Lets you add an OnChange event processing block to the Calendar object. This event requires validation; in addition it triggers the uploading of the files selected by an Upload object.


Click here for more information on Adelia event processing blocks.


AJAX parameters


Defines an asynchronous AJAX event. An asynchronous event does not block the user interface. The interface continues to respond while the event is processed on the Web application server.



Defines the strategy followed in the event of simultaneous execution requests for the event.

Possible values:

Different event

Proceeds as for two different events and follows the rule defined for different queries (cf. SIMULTANEOUS_DIFFERENT_REQUESTS_RULE in Parameters of the file).

Previous event canceled

Cancels the previous event (physically breaking the HTTP connection if the previous event is running, or removing it from the queue if it is pending execution).

Event canceled

Ignores the second event, regardless of the state of the first event (i.e. running or pending).



Defines the wait time between successive executions of the same event. The presence of a value in this field indicates that the event is cyclical: once executed, it is automatically repeated indefinitely.

The possible unit values are:

- Millisec. for milli-seconds,

- Second,

- Minute,

- Hour.

This value must not exceed the life of an HTTP session (as specified in the file web.xml).



Sets an event's priority when it is placed in the queue. This priority defines the order of execution of the events in the queue.


If this field is left blank, the priority is set to REQUEST_DEFAULT_PRIORITY (refer to these values in Parameters of the file).



Hides the progress bar when this event is triggered.

This parameter is only processed if PROGRESS_INDICATOR_SHOW_ALL_STARTED_REQUEST is set to "N" (see Parameters of the file).


Context-sensitive menu
Menu name

Associates a context-sensitive menu with the object. It is possible to associate multiple Adelia objects with the same Menu object (the Menu object's SOURCE_OBJ property, when used in the event processing block of a menu or menu, identifies the Adelia object for which the user has opened the menu).



Specifies the Javascript event that will cause the associated context-sensitive menu to open.

Possible values:


Causes the menu to open when the user clicks the control.


Causes the menu to open when the user right-clicks the control. By default, the browser opens a system menu when this event is triggered. To display the system menu instead of the Adelia menu, press the Ctrl key while right-clicking.


Causes the menu to open when the user presses down the left mouse button over the control.


Causes the menu to open when the user moves the mouse pointer over the control.


Causes the menu to open when the user releases the left mouse button over the control.


Note: For the sake of ergonomics, when the Javascript event that opens a menu is based on a mouse click (oncontextmenu, onclick, onmousedown or onmouseup), the "Close by clicking on page background" property defined during the layout design of the Menu object should be enabled.

This property should be disabled when the Javascript event is based on a mouse movement (onmouseover).



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