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You need a JDK or JRE 1.8 to install the application.

The application is packaged in a ZIP file called, which is available in the %ADELIWS%\distrib\AdeliaPrintEngine directory.

Its content is as follows:

  • "bin" directory: contains the scripts for starting the application;
  • "conf" directory: contains the Apache FreeMarker ( and Apache FOP (fop.xconf) engine configuration files. 
    It also contains the application.yml sample file to outsource the configuration of the Spring Boot Adelia Print Engine application (log level, listening port, etc.);
  • "lib" directory: contains the application binary, namely mergeTransformMicroService-XXXX.jar.

The application can be started in two ways:

  • either in a one-off way (started from a command interpreter) via ape.bat or scripts,
  • or as a service (in Windows only) via the apeService.bat script.


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