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Generation of the data flow in SQL access mode


Note: When the logical entity has a default logical server, the instructions related to the entity will automatically be assigned to the logical server.

In the example below, <S1> is the default logical server of ENTITY1, and <S2> is the default logical server of ENTITY2.


Typical structure

* For the window



<S1>         CHAIN_SQL ENTITY1 *COND(E1_FIELD1= :E1_VAR_HOST1 AND .....)

<S1>         SQL_RET_CODE = *SQLCODE




<S1>         IF SQL_RET_CODE = 0

<S1>             UPD_SQL ENTITY1 *ALL *COND(E1_FIELD1 = :E1_VAR_HOST1 AND .....)

<S1>         ELSE

<S1>             IF SQL_RET_CODE = 100

<S1>                 CREATE_SQL ENTITY1

<S1>             END

<S1>         END



* For a list


READ_LST <window.object:list_prop> *MODIF


<S2>         CHAIN_SQL ENTITY2 *COND(E2_FIELD1 = :E2_VAR_HOST1 AND .....)

<S2>         SQL_RET_CODE = *SQLCODE




<S2>         IF SQL_RET_CODE = 0

<S2>             UPD_SQL ENTITY2 *ALL *COND(E2_FIELD1 = :E2_VAR_HOST1 AND .....)

<S2>         ELSE

<S2>             IF SQL_RET_CODE = 100

<S2>                 CREATE_SQL ENTITY2

<S2>             END

<S2>         END




The conditions for the CHAIN_SQL and UPD_SQL correspond to equality tests, according to the following rule:


1. For a main entity of a load:


    • If the entity has a key, the test will affect each of the fields which constitute the key;

    • If it does not have a key, the test will affect the whole key of the first access whose path corresponds to the accesses specified;

    • Otherwise, the test will affect only the fields constituting the access path specified.


2. For any other entity:

    • If the accesses specified correspond to the entity's key, the test will affect the fields corresponding to the partial key of the entity;

    • Otherwise, if the accesses specified correspond to an entity's access, the test affects the fields corresponding to the partial key of the first access;

    • Otherwise, the test affects only the fields which constitute the access path specified.


As regards the host variables of the SQL condition, those taken into account are:

  • The first Input/Output (or Output if it is the list update) screen field whose origin is the logical property defined in the entity's access.

  • The first screen field whose original logical entity is different from the entity processed, but has the same original conceptual property.

  • The field of the entity which constitutes the access.



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