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French version


The expression local language is used here to refer to a language+country pair.


Adelia supports English and French resources in a Web application's Adelia runtime (including runtime error messages displayed to the end user and the graphical object interface). By default, if the Web application works with French as its local language, the runtime's French resources are used; otherwise, English resources are used. By default, the application's local language is the one configured in the user's Internet browser; however it is possible to change the local language dynamically using the VaToolBxAwsSetLocale function in the VaToolBx DLL.


Adelia Web runtime resources can be translated into languages other than English and French.


Java resources

To translate Java resources, simply duplicate (in the same directory) the <file name> files in the Web application's WEB-INF/classes subfolder, replacing XX with the appropriate local language code, then edit the duplicated file, translating the strings relating to the various keys in the file.


Javascript resources or resources called by Javascript code

To translate Javascript resources, simply duplicate (in the same directory) the <file name>_en.js and <file name> files in the Web application's AWSResources subfolder, replacing en with the appropriate local language code, then edit the duplicated file, translating the strings relating to the declared variables.


The Adelia Web runtime retrieves its resources from the files suffixed with the current local language code. If it is unable to do so, the runtime uses the French resources if the local language is French, or the English resources in all other cases.


Note: When the Install Manager generates the ".war" file, any customised files are automatically included.



Original files are subject to change (with new strings being added, for example) following a patch or version update.
In this case, any translated files need to be modified accordingly.
We recommend keeping the original files that acted as the basis for the translations in a special folder. They can then be compared with the files provided in the patch or new version, thereby making the changes easier to identify.


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