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To display or modify the general characteristics of a file, click on the Characteristics button in the File glossary dialog box.



Displayed data


Type and format of the current file.


Data entry


Name of the file.

This must be a valid file name (in the IBM sense of the term), and unique within the database.

It must be no longer than 15 characters.



Clear description of the file.

It must be no longer than 50 characters.



Check boxes

These boxes will be disabled with sequential files.


Unique key in the DB

This box indicates that this file has a unique key.


Unique key management

This box instructs the system how to manage the accesses concerning the file.


Multiple keys will not be permitted.

If the Unique key in the DB box is checked, the system will automatically use unique keys, and you will not be able to modify this information.


Key modification allowed

This information is used by the program generator.


The programs generated using this file as an update will systematically expect the key to be changed, and will consequently save the key read, whenever it is read.


Second definition

Data entry


This information is not currently used.


Direct access mode update (File/Format)

These details are not currently used.


RPG generation

Data entry


This information is used by the RPG program generator, unless real file name generation mode was selected in the 3GL generation attributes.



This information is used by the RPG program generator.


Format (second definition)

This information is used by the RPG program generator if two formats in a given program have the same name.


Direct access mode update (File/Format)

These details are used by the RPG program generator. They are only active with files having multiple keys.



Enter/Modify (Validation)

The Enter button (in display mode) closes the dialog box.

The Modify button (in modification mode) validates any modifications and closes the dialog box.



Closes the dialog box without validating any modifications.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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