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To modify the logical origin of a Visual Adelia or Web graphical object, of a layout field or a report field, select the Define logical origin or Modify logical origin option in one of the following dialog boxes:


List of logical entities

This list displays the logical entities attached to the current application area, with their names and descriptions. A filter is available to limit the information displayed. Select an entity in the list to display the list of properties.


List of logical properties

This list displays the logical properties of the selected entity.

The data displayed in the list is as follows:


Name of the graphical object or guide word for the field.

This name is edited simply by clicking on the cell in the list.


Description of the origin logical property if a logical origin is assigned.


Data type of the graphical object or field. It should be noted that this type may be different (particularly in length) from the type of the origin logical property.

To modify the logical origin of a graphical object or field, double-click a compatible logical property in the list of logical properties. A logical property is considered as compatible with the check if it is of the same type, but it can possibly have a different length (in case of numbers with decimals, the number of decimals must be identical).


Check boxes

Display all of the repository's logical entities


The tree view of unused fields displays all logical entities of the Adelia repository, irrespective of their attachment to the current application area.


The tree view displays only those logical entities attached to the current application area.

By default: unchecked.




This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.

This button is only active if a compatible logical property is selected.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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