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Adelia Print Engine

The APE extension for Visual Studio Code now includes a REST client to test your APE templates and the web application.

The extension thus offers the three basic functional components for programming and testing templates:

  • the template file text editor (available from 14.3.0),
  • an APE instance: A Spring Boot MergeTransformMicroService APE application is embedded with the extension. This is configured to execute the test cases defined for each template that is developed.
  • a REST client: In the same way as Insomnia, this tool executes a test case by sending an HTTP request containing its data to consume the Web service of the Spring Boot APE dedicated to executing the template. The request result can be viewed directly in the extension.

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Source code repository

The Adelia source code repository is a service enabling data import/export functions of the source import and export tool to be directly integrated into the 4GL editor and Adelia Object manager. It also provides an interface to Git and SVN source control tools, enabling direct access to a program's history from the editor.

The features provided are:

  • direct import/export of data from the Object manager or 4GL Editor
  • automatic source code export when saving a document
  • comparison of disk and Adelia repository versions

In addition, if integration into a source control tool (Git) is configured, it is also possible to:

  • show the history of an object or the whole Adelia repository
  • compare an object's source with a version from the history
  • import a version of a program from the history
  • validate (create a version in the source control manager) or go back to changes in progress

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  • EXECUTE_HTTP: gzip compression is supported.
    NB: To use this functionality in AS/400, the version of Adelia Studio 14 in the AS/400 section must be PTF F005.
  • XML_OPEN: The full name of the .xsd file can now be specified for the *CHECK parameter. This will be used to check the validity of the XML document.
    NB: If, with this PTF, you generate programs using the XML_OPEN instruction in AS/400, the version of Adelia Studio 14 in the AS/400 section must be PTF F005.
  • The VaToolBxImageToBase64Ex function has been added to code "string" type variables over 32KB.
  • The option has been added to set a read timeout for operations on TCP/IP sockets via the so_timeout option of VaToolBxSockConnectTcpServerEx or via the VaToolBxSockSetSoTimeout function.
  • IMAGE-type variables: it is now possible to test if an IMAGE variable is empty by comparing it with the *NULL reserved word. *NULL can also be used to empty an IMAGE-type variable.

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Miscellaneous Improvements

  • Adelia Build: If it is specified by a directory path which is absolute or relative to the file of the build, the adelGenLogDir key is used to store the erroneous generation reports.
  • The "Object manager" and "LDM/PDM" windows can now be resized.
  • Visual/Web debugger: The debugger now makes it possible to detach from the debugged process without interrupting its execution.
    NB: For this feature to be supported if you have AS/400 server sections, the version of Adelia Studio 14 in the AS/400 section must be PTF F005.
  • 4GL Editor:
    • The editor's source indentation now maintains the offset of lines containing the rest of the instruction in relation to the initial line (the line ending with a "-").
    • Improved performance during source loading.
  • Visual Image objectEXPORT_BITMAP and EXPORT_IMAGE methods have been added, enabling the graphic of the object to be exported to a file or variable in the required format. 
  • REST Web service production: A configuration (beans.xml) has been added to substitute the 500 http code returned by default by a REST web service when a JSON document parse error occurs. 
  • PDM generation for Oracle: The table generator now uses identity columns to implement auto increments (replacing the trigger) if Oracle is version 12 or later.

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