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You will find below the conditions to comply with in order to ensure compatibility between the C and the RPG generators for ADELIA programs.

  • The C generator does not generate non-Adelia programs (CLPs, RPGs, etc.).

Important note: If you are working with an AS/400 database and if the CLP files contain commands (CLRPFM, OVRDBF, etc.) affecting the files, you can rewrite the CLPs in Adelia language as a set of EXECUTE_CMD instructions containing the AS/400 commands.

  • By default, the CALL instruction calls the programs in local mode. It is however possible to call them using the AS/400 programs' synchronous mode (Remote Procedure Call).

  • The EXECUTE_CMD_38 instruction does not have any effect.

  • The EXECUTE_CMD instruction can be used to run an AS/400 or a PC command. The commands are run in asynchronous mode.

Note: You can use an EXECUTE_CMD instruction to call an "*.EXE" program.

  • The RETURN instruction has the same effect as the TERMINATE instruction. The FREE_PGM instruction has no effect.

  • Currently with the RPG generator, "A = B" (where A is an alphanumeric variable) is equivalent to:

    • "MOVE_ON_LEFT B A" if B is alphanumeric.
    • "MOVE_ON_RIGHT B A" if B is numeric.
  • With the C generator, this will be equivalent to:

    • "A = *BLANK" followed by "MOVE_ON_LEFT B A" if B is alphanumeric.
    • "A = *BLANK" followed by "MOVE_ON_RIGHT B A" if B is numeric.
  • With the RPG generator, if you assign a numeric variable with a negative value to an alphanumeric variable, the character on the right will be the EBCDIC D0, D1, ..., D9 code.


The number -234 returns the string "23M" (the EBCDIC code for "M" is D4).

  • With the C generator, the character on the right will be the ASCII code D0, D1, ..., D9 (which is different from the EBCDIC D0, ... , D9) .

  • The "SFTKY FieldName FunctionKey" instruction (where FunctionKey is optional) is not available for output fields.

  • The DUPLICATE instruction will have no effect. However, you will still be able to copy data in an entry field on a PC using the Copy/Paste functions.

  • The numeric variables cannot be defined over more than 15 digits.

  • The key field of direct access views must be a numeric field with at least 10 positions (0 decimals).

  • The value returned by *RECORD_NBR is, for Btrieve files, an address defined on 10 digits. The variables containing this value must therefore be defined on at least 10 positions (0 decimals).

  • The program objects' names will be determined by the layout codes and not by the IBM names.

Warning: This is particularly important when programs are called dynamically. In this case, you must assign the layout code to the variable instead of the IBM name.

  • Variables are compared using the ANSI order instead of the EBCDIC order.

  • When a Btrieve file's data is read by key, it is displayed in the ASCII order.

  • When an AS/400 file's data is read by key, it is displayed in the EBCDIC order.


  • Do not use the DISPLAY_FORMAT instruction in interactive programs' formats.


  • Do not use reserved words that are related to program, file or screen data structures, except for the *USER and *PGM_NAME reserved words (in connection with an AS/400), and *RECORD_NBR.

  • Do not use SQL instructions (this will be possible later).

  • Do not use DUMP, INSERT or DISPLAY_FORMAT instructions.

  • Version 4 arrays are forbidden. However, standard Adelia arrays can be used.



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