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With effect from Adelia Studio 11, you can generate Visual Adelia, Adelia Web and Adelia Mobile applications in Unicode.

Adelia complies with the UCS-2 standard for double-byte coding of fixed-width characters, which makes it possible to represent 65,535 characters compared with a mere 255 using standard single-byte coding.

Using Unicode offers many benefits:

  • Enhanced support for multilingual applications (including the ability to represent characters from several alphabets in the same application),

  • Reduction or total elimination of problems involving code page configurations and conversions between third party components such as the client/server Middleware and the database,

  • Compatibility with Windows XP / Vista themes: you must include the following lines in your application's manifest file.



<assemblyIdentity type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' processorArchitecture='x86' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' />




Restrictions on use

  • Unicode and ANSI versions of generated applications cannot communicate with each other (as they run with different runtimes). It is therefore not possible to call an ANSI program from a Unicode application or vice versa. The complete program chain must be compiled with the same parameters. This also applies to Web applications. In an AS/400 server part only, you can call an ANSI program from a server part compiled in Unicode (CALL... *NON_UNICODE).

  • Crossed EXECUTE_CMD instructions are permitted, however.

  • The native file access instructions (CHAIN, READ, UPDATE, CREATE, DELETE...) are not authorized in programs generated in Unicode.

  • You can call a DLL function that uses ANSI parameters from a Unicode application (using the CALL_DLL *NON_UNICODE instruction). The reverse is not possible, however.

  • If you have developed your own interface DLL, it can be used in three ways:

    • call it in ANSI mode (CALL_DLL *NON_UNICODE), if permitted;
    • recompile an all-Unicode version of the DLL (which will not be compatible with ANSI applications);
    • provide a version containing both ANSI and Unicode implementations of functions, in which case, you can simply add the suffix "$W" to a function name for the Unicode version, with the Unicode library loader searching for "FunctionName$W" first before trying "FunctionName".
      In this case, it will be possible to use the DLL with both ANSI and Unicode applications.


Note: Calling an ANSI DLL function from a Unicode application (without the *NON_UNICODE flag), or calling a Unicode function from an ANSI application is very likely to cause the application to malfunction or crash.


  • Although the Mobile and Java (VISUAL or WADELIA) clients were already in Unicode in earlier versions, there is a reason for generating applications in Unicode mode: in the previous version, server modules were generated with single-byte coding, and Middleware communication also used single-byte coding (apart from communication from a Java client to a Java server).

  • A Unicode application can communicate with a non-Unicode database, but you may encounter conversion issues if you attempt to insert characters that are not supported by the database's code page.

  • A non-Unicode application can communicate with a Unicode database, but you may encounter conversion issues when reading characters that do not exist in the system's code page.




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