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French version



To translate or modify the translation of the comment for a message the current environment, you must:

  • Select the Translate option from the context-sensitive menu in the Messages tab of the Translation manager.

Note: If several messages have been selected in the Messages tab, the translation dialog boxes for the various messages will be opened consecutively. The Translate and Cancel buttons let you string together the translations of the various selected messages.

You can stop the translation sequence for a series of messages by clicking the active dialog box's close icon (keyboard shortcut: Alt  +  F4).


Displayed data

Level 1
Level 2

These fields represent the first- and second-level message text. The text can contain one or more substitution variables.



Comment of the message.


Level 1
Level 2

These fields represent the translation of the first- and second-level message text. The text can contain one or more substitution variables.


Data entry


Translation of the comment into the current language.

Length: 512 characters maximum.




Validates the translations or the modifications made and closes the dialog box.



Closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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