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It is possible to pass secure parameters between javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest and a Cloud session.


Operating principle

This passing of parameters is necessary if the user wishes to launch the application via a http://host/mywebapp/index.jsp?secureID={RSA}oV8ig8IAFq02y+9reN3b..-type application.


All the parameters are grouped into an encrypted <key,value> map called secureID.

Main servlet index.jsp structure:


<%@taglib prefix="t" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags" %>

<%@ taglib prefix="adelwagon" uri="" %>

<adelwagon:pushCustomVariable key="secureID"><%=(request.getParameter("secureID")!=null ? request.getParameter("secureID") : "")%></adelwagon:pushCustomVariable>

<t:adeliaDesktop title="Adelia Desktop" desktopName="default" frameOptions="SAMEORIGIN">

<jsp:attribute name="head_header">


  <link href="logo/logo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>


<jsp:attribute name="head_footer"></jsp:attribute>

<jsp:attribute name="body_header"></jsp:attribute>

<jsp:attribute name="body_footer"></jsp:attribute>




Creating the encrypted <key,value> map

Interactive generation tool



Note: you will be asked to log on with a JEE profile that has the "wagon-administrator" role.



The user wishes to call the page with 3 parameters, the connection profile (login key), the password (password key) and an identifier (id key).

The secureID is generated as follows:


Generating the secureID via the servlet /RSAServlet



Calling the page


Note: In the case of a GET, it is advisable to pass the secureID in its encoded URL form.


Retrieving parameters from a Java class


secureidMap =null;

String requestSecureID=(String) this.getSessionContext().getMainContainerConfiguration().getAttributes().get("custom.secureID");

if (requestSecureID!=null){    secureidMap = WagonCipher.getInstance().decodeMap(requestSecureID);    if (secureidMap!=null)


        String login=secureidMap.get("login");

        String password=secureidMap.get("password");

        String id=secureidMap.get("id");





Note: The secureID key is accessible at session attribute level via custom.secureID.


Retrieving parameters from a VisualAdelia program





W_PASSWORDALPHA(1024) W_IDW_CUSTOMKEY='custom.secureID.login'

APPELER_CLASS 'vatoolbx' 'VaToolBxCloudGetSessionAttribute' W_CUSTOMKEY W_LOGIN 1024



APPELER_CLASS 'vatoolbx' 'VaToolBxCloudGetSessionAttribute' W_CUSTOMKEY W_PASSWORD 1024


APPELER_CLASS 'vatoolbx' 'VaToolBxCloudGetSessionAttribute' W_CUSTOMKEY W_ID 1024



Retrieving parameters from a LoginModule.

The secureID parameter is known by Adelia Cloud. Therefore, it enables "transparent" authentication when the login and password keys are generated in the secureID.

When calling a LoginModule or LoginModule string, all the <key,value> strings are transmitted to the LoginModule.



An AdeliaLoginModule receives in the LstAttrRealm list the three login, password and ID keys as well as the associated values.


Example of integration and call from an external application

PHP example



$payload = file_get_contents('http://host/yourapplication/RsaServlet?action=secureID&map=login=james;password=mi6;id=007');

echo '<a href="http://host/yourapplication?secureID=',urlencode($payload),'" target="_new">Cliquez ici</a>'?>




JSP example

This example uses the HttpClient API from the Apache project.



<%@ page import="org.apache.http.*,org.apache.http.client.*,org.apache.http.impl.client.*,org.apache.http.client.methods.*,*,*,java.lang.*,java.util.*"%>


String url="http://host/yourapplication/RsaServlet?action=secureID&map=login=james;password=mi6;id=007";

HttpClient httpclient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();

HttpGet rsaRequest = new HttpGet(url);

HttpResponse rsaResponse = httpclient.execute(rsaRequest);

BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(rsaResponse.getEntity().getContent()));


     String line = null;

String secureID = "";

while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {




<a href="http://host/yourapplication?secureID=<%=URLEncoder.encode(secureID)%>" target="_new">Click here</a>



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