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Unified trace management is based on:

  • the slf4j Framework (configured by default with the log4j2 binding) for the Java platform (Java – Web – Cloud) and
  • the log4c Framework for the C/Windows and AS/400 platforms.

Trace management is used to gather information relating to the execution of applications generated with Adelia Studio.

This information may come from:

  • Adelia execution runtimes (DB queries, information exchange by the middleware, etc.),
  • the generated programs (information internal to the generator or information from generating the ADD_TRACE instruction),
  • third-party application libraries (frameworks in charge of the consumption or production of web services for example).

The aim of trace management is to gather information:

  • to ensure, after the event, that an execution has been properly performed
  • to understand the reasons for dysfunctional execution.

The trace management frameworks mentioned above implement the following three components:

  • Layout: message formatting.
    See the example configuration files for the list of "layout" components and usable designs for formatting.
  • Appender: receives messages (message storage target).
    See the example configuration files for the list of available "appender" components.
  • Category or Logger: association between a message issuer, a severity level and one or more "appender" components. The possible levels, presented in decreasing order of severity, are:







A message is issued by a "logger" if and only if its severity level is equal to or higher than that of the "logger".

For example, a DEBUG-level message is not handled by a "logger" configured with the ERROR level.

However, an ERROR-level message is sent to all the "appender" components associated with the "logger" configured with the "DEBUG" level.

Together the three components are used to issue messages in a certain format to different storage targets.

"Category" or "logger" components are prioritised by their name, using a legacy system: the use of '.' in the name delimits a level in the hierarchy. For example, a "logger" called "com.hardis.adelia" inherits properties from the "logger" called "com.hardis".

All the "logger" components inherit from the "logger" called "Root" for log4j2 and "root" for log4c.

A "logger" component inherits its parent's severity level.

A "logger" component inherits its parent's "appender" components. By setting the "logger" component's "additivity" property to "false", it is possible - if necessary - to avoid inheriting the "appender" components.

The different trace messages come from Adelia execution runtimes, the generated programs or third-party application libraries.

Adelia language enables the user's own traces to be added to the mechanism using the ADD_TRACE instruction. The latter is used to issue a message in a specific severity level for the default "logger" (that associated with the program) or for a specific "logger", the name of which is chosen by the user.

Using another log system with Java

It is possible to use another log system compatible with slf4j for an Adelia Web or Adelia Cloud application. To do this, you must remove the dependencies (in build mode) or log4j2 jars (log4j2-*.jar) and add the necessary dependencies/jars to the desired log system (slf4j binding and log library used).

The following restrictions apply if you use another log system than log4j2:

  • Configuring logs by a specific config file specified in the application configuration will not work (a warning will be issued if a config file is specified).
  • The Adelia Cloud log management tools (configuration tool accessible via the desktop and the Adelia Cloud administration console) will not be available or will not work.

Example of a build configuration for an Adelia Cloud application with logback system (exclusion of log4j2 dependencies and addition of logback dependencies):

With Maven
With Gradle
configurations.all {
    exclude group: 'org.apache.logging.log4j'

dependencies {
    runtime group: 'ch.qos.logback', name: 'logback-classic', version: '1.2.10'

In this case, the configuration instructions below do not apply.

Click her for more information on the trace production configuration.

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