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To display, create or modify a correction, select the corresponding option from the Correction menu in the correction manager.

Important: You can only create corrections if the correction manager was called from a correction environment.

Only the person who created the correction or a version manager administrator (with the *ADM_VER_MAN authority) can make modifications in this dialog box, provided the correction's status is "Available".

Displayed data


Status of the correction. Click here to see the full list of available statuses.

Data entry


Correction name. This name must be a valid correction name (as defined by IBM), and unique within the environment.

Length: 15 characters maximum.

Mandatory parameter in creation mode.


Description clearly identifying the correction.

Length: 250 characters maximum.

Mandatory parameter in creation mode.

Check boxes



The correction is exclusive. This means that only the person who owns the correction or an administrator of the version manager can select this correction as the default correction; these are also the only people authorized to modify the correction and the objects assigned to it.

Default: Checked.


Object list

The objects in the correction are grouped by object type, set out on various tabs. The information shown in these tabs varies according to the correction's status.

  • Available, To be validated, In validation and New validation corrections:


Object name.
With objects that have a parent (conceptual and logical properties, accesses and IBM logical fields), the parent's name is shown in the first column.


Object status.

Click here to see the list of possible statuses for objects in this type of correction.

Last modified

Date and time the object was last modified.

Held for correction

Date and time the object was held for correction.

Software engineer

Name of the software engineer who held the object for correction.

  • Validated corrections:


Name of the object when the correction is validated.
With objects that have a parent (conceptual and logical properties, accesses and IBM logical fields), the parent's name is shown in the first column.


Number representing the correction's validation in the chronological log of the object's involvement in correction validation processes. For more details, see the "Correction log" tab in the object's Information dialog box.


Status of the object once the correction has been validated.

Click here to see the list of possible statuses for objects in a validated correction.

Current name

Current name of the object.
The object may have been renamed in the environment since it was validated.
If the object has been deleted since being validated, the word "Deleted" will be displayed.

Last valid.

Number representing the most recent correction validation process in which the object was involved. For more details, see the "Correction log" tab in the object's Information dialog box.
If the object has been modified since it was last updated by a correction validation process, the word "Modified" will be displayed.

Context-sensitive menu


This option opens a dialog box that lets you add one or more objects to a correction.
It is only active when the correction can be modified.


This option opens a dialog box that lets you move the objects in the correction into other corrections.
It is only active when the correction can be modified and one or more objects are selected in the list.


This option updates the list of objects in the correction.

Remove from correction

This option opens a dialog box that lets you confirm the removal of one or more objects from the correction. It shows the objects that will need to be received from the production environment.
This option is only active when the correction can be modified and one or more objects are selected in the list.

Note: If an object with a "modified" status is removed from correction, all modifications made to the object (object received from the production environment) are canceled. For an object with a "deleted" status, the deletion is canceled (object received from the production environment). An object with a "created" status cannot be removed from correction via this option, but will need to be manually deleted.

Object status

This submenu shows all the possible statuses of an object.
Selecting or deselecting a status (by checking or unchecking it) makes all the objects with that status visible or invisible, respectively.
The available statuses depend on the current correction's status. Click here to see the full list of possible statuses.

Application areas

This option opens a dialog box that lets you display the application areas to which the selected object is attached.
This option is not active for the following objects:

    • Constants (CST tab),

    • Graphical objects (GRA tab),

    • Installation (INS tab),

    • Logical servers (SRV tab).


This option opens a dialog box that lets you consult the log of the object's involvement in corrections.
This option is only active when one or more objects are selected from the list.
Shortcut: double click.

Automatic export

Creates an export job in the job manager.

The file contained in the resource is placed in the source or object directory or directories, according to its type; these directories correspond to the middleware parameter(s) of the associated platforms.

This option is only available for Resource type objects (RSC tab).

Open source

This option opens an object's source in a 4GL Editor session, irrespective of the application area to which the object is attached.
This option is available for objects with a source code.

Individual comparison

This option opens the Individual comparison dialog box for each selected object.
This dialog box is used to compare the selected object with another object (from either the same or a different environment).

It is available with CDM and LDM objects, and with those that have source code.

Global comparison

This option opens the Global comparison dialog box, which is used to run a comparison of a list of objects between the current environment and another.

The list of objects to be compared is initialized with the selected objects.

It is available with CDM and LDM objects, and with those that have source code.

Add to installation

Opens a dialog box that lest you select the installation program to which the programs are to be added.
This option is only available with VADELIA and SADELIA programs, via the PGM tab.

Submit generation

This submenu is only available with program objects.
A distinction is made between Adelia programs and Visual Adelia programs.

This option opens a program or class generation setup dialog box.

Note: With ADELIA programs, a generation type selection box opens if both the possible generation types ("AS/400" and "Windows") are checked in the Environment attributes. If only one 3GL generation type is checked, the Generate with parameters option opens the relevant generation setup box directly.

Generate without parameters

Submits the selected programs or classes for generation immediately.

Note: When you generate programs, either with or without parameters, a report is automatically displayed in a dialog box. This report shows the name and object type generated, the operation performed and the result.

Generate entities

This option opens a dialog box that lets you generate the selected logical entities.
It is only available with logical entity objects.

Generate accesses

This option opens a dialog box that lets you generate the selected accesses.
It is only available with access objects.

Generate join entities

This option opens a dialog box that lets you generate the selected join entities.
It is only available with join entity objects.



Opens a dialog box giving details of the current correction, such as the owner's name and the dates and times the correction was created and last modified.

This button is not active in creation mode.


Opens a dialog box that lets you enter a comment text which will be linked with the current correction.

Program version

Opens a dialog box that lets you view of define the version number applied to the correction's programs.

If a version number is defined for the correction (i.e. not, it is automatically assigned to all programs held by the correction when this latter is validated.

Validation log / Received validations log

Opens a dialog box showing the log of validations that the correction received or in which it participated.

Enter/Create/Modify (validation)

The Enter button (in display mode) closes the dialog box.

The Create button (in creation mode) or Modify button (in modification mode) validates the dialog box. The various details in the box are checked. If all are valid, the correction definition is updated in the database; if not, an error message is displayed.


Closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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