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To specify the generation parameters linked to the program generation platforms, click on the Options button of the program generation box.

This page displays all the options relating to the generation platforms (client, servers, *WEB_REPORT) for generating VADELIA, SADELIA, WADELIA or EADELIA programs.

Generation directories


Generation directories

This list displays information from object generation directories for all the selected platforms (clients, logic servers, *WEB_REPORT, etc.). The information is grouped by platform and can be modified directly by clicking on the second column in the list.

The information changed in relation to the environment or application area parameters appears in bold in the list. To reset it to the default value, simply delete the contents of the field and press enter.

The list can also display additional data according to the selected platform (Java package, website root, JSP generation directory). Information which is grayed out is displayed for information purposes but cannot be edited (Java package, object directory for a Web or Cloud site).

Information displayed:

    • For a client part of a VADELIA program:
      • the source directory
      • the object directory (non-editable information if it is deduced from the root of a Web or Cloud site)
      • if the program is generated in Cloud mode, the root of the Cloud site
      • if the program is generated in Web mode (VADELIA Batch or Web Service), the root of the Web site
      • if the program is generated in Java, the Java package (non-editable information)
    • For the client part of a WADELIA program:
      • the source directory
      • the object directory
      • the root of the Web site
      • the Java package (non-editable information)
      • the JSP directory
    • For the client part of an EADELIA program:
      • the source directory
      • the object directory
      • the Java package (non-editable information)
    • For a SADELIA program or a server part of a VADELIA, WADELIA or EADELIA program:
      • the source directory
      • the object directory
      • the Java package (non-editable information) in the case of a Java server part

Cloud Metadata

This section is only displayed in the case of a VADELIA program generated in Cloud Client.


Cloud Metadata

This list is used to set attribute-value pairs usable by the generated program.

The required Realm attribute is defined by default and determines the security realm that the program is attached to.

When it is generated for the first time, the system offers the following default settings:

    • the object realm name specified in the application area attributes if the program is private;

    • the object realm name specified in the environment attributes if the program is public.

Check boxes

Entry point

Indicates if the program is an entry point for the application.

When it is generated for the first time, the system offers the following default settings:

    • the Enty point option specified in the application area attributes if the program is private;

    • the Enty point option specified in the environment attributes if the program is public.

Bean interface

Used to generate the interfaces required for a program to be recognized as an authentication program implementing an AdeliaLoginModule.

Only appears in the case of a reportless batch program.

Web Services

This section is only displayed in the case of a VADELIA batch program generated as a web service.



Sets the implementation type of the Web services. The REST option is used to produce web services in a RESTful architecture.

The options RPC, WRAPPED, DOCUMENT or DOCUMENT_JAXWS are used to produce SOAP standard web services in a particular style and a particular implementation.

Detail of the different styles:


=> Style RPC/Encoded

Underlying framework: Axis1

Obsolete, no longer used.


=> Style DOCUMENT/Literal Wrapped

Underlying framework: Axis1

Obsolete, no longer used.


=> Style DOCUMENT/Literal

Underlying framework: Axis2


=> Style DOCUMENT/Literal

Underlying framework: Axis2 JAX-WS

Implementation by annotations

Services Web REST


Underlying framework: CXF JAX-RS

Implementation by annotations.

Spring configuration.


Only the DOCUMENT and DOCUMENT_JAXWS styles allow to produce Web services with complex input parameters (Lists, tables) for SOAP Web services.

Data entry

Access point

Access point by default for the Web service.

Default value:

    • http://localhost:8080/SiteName/services if the style is RPC or WRAPPED.
    • http://localhost:8080/SiteName/servaxis2 if the style is DOCUMENT or DOCUMENT_JAXWS.

Radio buttons

Default visibility

Sets the default visibility for the registered SOAP Web service (i.e. public or private).


Modify (validation)

Validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.


Closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc

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