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The Visual Adelia layout manager's search functions are used to select objects based on their type or on the value of certain properties.

A search expression uses the following syntax:



| Expression&SearchFilter


  Property operator Value

| Property EXISTS

| Value




| ObjectProperty

Operator   =

| <>

| >

| >=

| <

| <=



Specific search characteristics:

  • The search properties are special properties first then the specific properties of an object (NAME, TEXT, X-AXIS, Y-AXIS, etc.). Only alphanumeric, numeric or Boolean properties are searched for.
  • When only a value is provided (no valid expression), the expression is interpreted as a text search (TEXT CONTAINS Value).
  • To search for a value containing the "&" character (e.g. a button text with a mnemonic), this needs to be escaped (&Add becomes \&Add).
  • For Boolean values, the accepted values are TRUE, *TRUE, 1, FALSE, *FALSE, and 0.

The special properties are:


Name of an object group declared in the program source. The selected objects will be those that belong to the group.

Specific characteristics:

  • Only the "=" operator is applicable.
  • If the object group is not a global variable, it must be prefixed with its declaration context (name of window, procedure or break). For example, the search for a TEST object group declared in the WIN0_ID window will be expressed in "OBJECT_GROUP = WIN0_ID.TEST" form.

Name (type) of the graphical object as declared in the list of object manager objects (BUTTON, ENTRY_FIELD, etc.).

Specific characteristics:

  • The basic object name corresponding to a custom object is also searched for. For example, if a "CONFIRM_BUTTON" custom graphical object is created from the "BUTTON" object:
    • the "object_name=button" search will find all the buttons (CONFIRM_BUTTON and BUTTON).
    • the "object_name=confirm_button" will only find CONFIRM_BUTTON-type customized objects.
ASSOCIATED_VAR_NAMESearches for the name of the variable associated with a graphical object with a VALUE property.

The following operators are available:


Tests if the values are equal. Applies to alphanumeric, numeric or Boolean properties.

For alphanumeric properties, the case sensitivity modifier can apply.


Tests if the values are different. Applies to alphanumeric, numeric or Boolean properties.

For alphanumeric properties, the case sensitivity modifier can apply.


Tests if the property value is higher than the specified value. Applies to alphanumeric or numeric properties.

For alphanumeric properties, the case sensitivity modifier can apply.


Tests if the property value is higher than or equal to the specified value. Applies to alphanumeric or numeric properties.

For alphanumeric properties, the case sensitivity modifier can apply.


Tests if the property value is lower than the specified value. Applies to alphanumeric or numeric properties.

For alphanumeric properties, the case sensitivity modifier can apply.


Tests if the property value is lower than or equal to the specified value. Applies to alphanumeric or numeric properties.

For alphanumeric properties, the case sensitivity modifier can apply.


Tests if the property value contains the specified value. Only applies to alphanumeric properties.

For alphanumeric properties, the case sensitivity and whole word search modifiers may apply.


Tests if the property value matches the specified filter (simple search filter with replacement characters, where "*" indicates any sub-expression and "?" indicates any character). Only applies to alphanumeric properties.

For alphanumeric properties, the case sensitivity and whole word search modifiers may apply.
EXISTSTests if the property exists for the object, regardless of its value.


TAB_STOP = TRUE selects all objects with a TAB_STOP property set to TRUE.

TAB_STOP EXISTS selects all objects with a TAB_STOP property regardless of their value.

OBJECT_NAME = OUTPUT_FIELD & WIDTH > 45 selects the output fields with a width of over 45 pixels.

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