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To open the correction manager from a production, correction or development environment, select either:

The correction manager window contains:

  • a title bar showing the application, the working environment name and the name of the default correction, if any (only with correction environments);

  • a menu bar containing all the commands applicable to a correction;

  • a list of the environment's corrections.

The window's position and dimensions, and the status of the corrections to be displayed are memorized each time you close the correction manager.




List showing all the corrections in the current environment. The following details are shown for each correction: its status and name, the date and time it was last modified, whether or not it is exclusive, its creator's name, and lastly, its description.

The list is sorted according to the corrections' status. You can sort the list according to a different column, in ascending or descending order, by clicking the corresponding column heading (equivalent to the Sort option from the context-sensitive menu).

You can set a filter on the "Name" column to restrict the list of items displayed.

This list is managed by means of a context-sensitive menu: the options in this menu are the same as those in the Correction and Display menus in the menu bar, with the exception of the Sort option that sorts the list according to the selected column (this option is active for column headings only).

Extended-selection list.


Reminder: An exclusive correction can only by modified by its creator or by an administrator.


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