To use the Visual/Web debugger from a Windows platform, you must either:
- Select the Debugger option in the Start menu's Adelia Studio / Utilities folder. It ca, also be accessed via the application launcher provided with the runtime, or via the list of shortcuts associated with the Adelia icons in the task bar.
- Run the vadebug.bat file located in the adeliws\javarun directory.
To debug a program with a Java client part that runs on a platform other than Windows, you must:
- Use the Java Development Kit (JDK 1.4),
- Add the paths leading to the adeljtools.jar, adeljrt.jar, and tools.jar files (which are supplied in the JDK) to the CLASSPATH,
- Run the Java class: com.hardis.adelia.debugger.DebuggerVA.
See also the restrictions and recommendations relating to the use of the Visual/Web debugger.
The window's title contains the application name, the name of the current program being debugged and its current status (e.g. Adelia Studio - Visual/Web debugger - TESTPGM (Suspended)).
The window is made up of four items:
The menu bar, containing the following menus:
- the File menu,
- the Source menu,
- the Execution menu,
- the Options menu,
- the Help menu.
The tool bar,
The workspace. This part of the window displays the current program's source or debugging details; the current program is selected in the corresponding top tab. The following five (bottom) tabs are available for the current program:
- the Source tab,
- the Variables tab,
- the LDM tab,
- the Objects tab,
- the Reserved words tab.
The execution pane. This part of the window is used to monitor variables and work with breakpoints. It contains the following tabs:
- the breakpoint management tab,
- the variable monitoring tab.