This function is used to restore the mouse cursor for a given graphical object. The cursor will be set with the value it had before the VaToolBxSetSystemCursor (or VaToolBxSetFileCursor) function was last called for that graphical object.
Important: For a given graphical object (see details of the various functions), the VaToolBx DLL must have already been loaded (using the LOAD_DLL instruction) when the VaToolBxJavaSetFileCursor, VaToolBxSetFileCursor, or VaToolBxSetSystemCursor function is called, and must still be loaded when the VaToolBxResetCursor or VaToolBxRestoreCursor function is called.
Windows client,
Java client,
Adelia Cloud client.
<GraphicalObjectName> |
ReturnCode |
CursorNbr = 11
CALL_DLL 'VATOOLBX.DLL' 'VaToolBxSetSystemCursor' Applic_Win CursorNbr OK
LOAD_LST LoadList1
CALL_DLL 'VATOOLBX.DLL' 'VaToolBxRestoreCursor' Applic_Win OK
List of the VaToolBx functions by topic