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If you want to work with your corrections in several steps, you can use multiple version managers, each comprising just a production environment and a correction environment. These version managers are obtained by creating a production environment on the basis of an existing production environment. They can mutually validate their corrections.


You can define a correction validation order or cycle by defining each version manager's associated correction environments. Do this by working with the associated correction environment list.


In the diagram below, each version manager handles a different maintenance phase for the same version of a product.



The Correction step
  • Correction environment:
    • Correction management.
    • Individual tests on the modifications in corrections.
  • Production environment:
    • Tests on validated corrections.
    • Initial correction integration tests.
The Integration step
  • Correction environment:
    • Only the corrections to be integrated at a given point in time are received from the Correction step's correction environment.
    • The corrections must be validated in the production environment.
    • If the integration tests performed in the production environment reveal the need for modifications, any corrections can be managed in this environment, before being validated in the production environment ready for testing. When these corrections have been tested and accepted, they must be reproduced in the Correction step's correction environment.
  • Production environment:
    • Tests concerning the integration of corrections into the product.

Note: The corrections undergoing integration testing represent the only difference between this environment and the production environment in the "Put into production" step.


The 'Put into production' step
  • Correction environment:
    • The environment is only updated by the correction validation process accepted after integration testing.
  • Production environment:
    • The modifications to the product are actually put into production after validation of the corrections followed by the generation of the PDM and programs.


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