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The SONAR Adelia plugin requires SONAR 2.12 or later.

To install the plugin onto the SONAR platform, simply copy the "adeliasonarplugin-xxx.jar" file to the "quality" sub-directory of the Adelia installation, to the "extensions\plugin" sub-directory of the SONAR installation, then restart SONAR. In the case of a migration, make sure that you only have one version of the plugin in this directory.


  • Version 1.x of the plugin is supplied for backward compatibility with versions 2.12 to 4.5 of SONAR.
    This version uses the old operating mode (direct generation of quality rules from the SONAR plugin via JNI calls to the Adelia generator) and requires 32-bit JRE 7 or later.

  • Version 3.x du plugin is compatible with SONAR 5.2 to 8.x.
    As the latest versions of SONAR can no longer be used to process Adelia quality data, the SONAR plugin is now associated with a Maven plugin to execute the Adelia quality manager (adelqual-maven-plugin).
    These plugins require 32-bit or 64-bit JRE 8 or later (which means that SONAR must be started up with JRE 8 even for JRE 7-compatible versions).

  • NB: the intermediate version 2.0 of the plugin is no longer supplied but remains compatible with Adelia Studio 14. Its prerequisites and operating mode are identical to version 1.2, and this version of the plugin is compatible with SONAR 5.2 to 6.x (and up to 7.2 inclusive in theory but this has not been tested).

You can check that the plugin has been correctly installed by opening the SONAR configuration page: the main page (configuration profiles) should reference an "Adelia Profile" or "Profil Adelia"-type "Adelia" profile, depending on the browser language.

Note: the language in which the names of the Adelia SONAR plugin rules and messages are displayed in the browser is determined by the browser's configuration (French if the browser language is French, English by default).

From SONAR version 2.10 onwards, the names and descriptions of the rules and metrics are displayed according to the configuration of the Web browser used (French if the browser language is French, else in English). English is systematically used in earlier versions of SONAR.

The Adelia SONAR plugin conforms to the SONAR "sonar.adelia.locale" parameter ("Adelia" tab in general settings) when generating error messages associated with violations. The messages are generated in English by default. To obtain messages in French, you will need to configure this parameter accordingly. This parameter replaces the "sonar.violationLocale" key which was removed in version SONAR 4.1.

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