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.Err1. IWS AS

(142) The key property of a public entity must be public.

.Err2. IWS AS

(221) Dependency relationships must not form a circle comprising entities, subtype entities or relationships (done when generating LDM on AS/400).

.Avt2. IWS

(443) Key properties, assigned to a placed entity whose name has been modified, those assigned but not designed, and those not assigned anymore but still designed, will result in a common message indicating the corresponding entity.

.Avt2. IWS

(432) (Entity / Subtype-entity) connections and legs not traced when placing an entity or a subtype entity, or when changing the parent entity, are mentioned.

.Avt2. IWS

(433) Graphical links displayed on the screen which have no real existence anymore, are mentioned. These links will actually disappear when closing the graph. These links will be considered as non-existing links during the verification.

.Avt2. IWS

(434) Legs whose cardinalities designed on the screen do not correspond to the real cardinalities, are mentioned.


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