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A DOS command line can be used to run exchanges non-interactively (i.e. with no interface apart from a display of any syntax errors or errors connecting to the environment or buffer).


This command line can be run from a DOS session, from a DOS command file (file with the BAT extension) or from a Visual Adelia program using the EXECUTE_CMD instruction.


Non-interactive execution is often called batch execution.


When the exchange is run, a text file is updated and contains the exchange report. The following conditions must be satisfied before the file can be updated:

  • there must not be any syntax errors in the command line,

  • there must not be any environment or buffer connection errors.

A value is returned after the command line is executed. Depending on circumstances, this value can be retrieved:

  • by the errorlevel system variable when the exchange is run in a DOS command file,

  • by the *RETURN_CODE reserved word when the exchange is run in a Visual Adelia program.

The possible values returned by the execution command are:


The exchange could not be run, owing to a syntax or database error.


The exchange was run without any errors or warnings.


The exchange was run, but one or more errors or warnings occurred.


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