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You can specify your own APE configuration files in both start modes:

  • by using the script start option -Dcom.hardis.adelia.mergedocengine.freemarker.conf="<path_to_directory_conf>", where "path_to_directory_conf" is a path to a directory containing the FreeMarker configuration file (quotes for paths with spaces),
  • by using the script start option -Dcom.hardis.adelia.transformxslfoengine.fop.conf="<path_to_directory_conf>", where "path_to_directory_conf" is a path to a directory containing the Apache FOP fop.xconf configuration file (quotes for paths with spaces),
  • by not specifying either of the two options described above. In this case, the configuration files in the "conf" directory are used.

You can also change the listening port of the Spring Boot application itself via the "-Dserver.port=<port_number>" option where "port_number" is the HTTP port number defined for the J2EE application. The default value is 8080.

Lastly, you can pool the Spring Boot application configuration in the same file (see the sample application.yml file provided as sample).

This is taken into account by the option -Dspring.config.location = "<path_to_application_yml_file>".

The path can be absolute or relative (relative to the directory where the file ape.bat/ is located).

For example, the -Dspring.config.location =..\conf\application.yml option is used to specify the sample Spring Boot configuration file in the conf subdirectory.

You need to use the apeService.bat script to launch the application as a Windows service.

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Windows service management

The apeService.bat script is used to install, uninstall, start and stop the APE application as a Windows service. This script must be run in a DOS command window run as administrator.

To make the service operational, it needs to be installed then started. Run the apeService.bat command without parameters to see the available options:

  • install: Application installation command. It is during this stage that we can specify configuration files other than the default ones.
  • start: Application start command,
  • stop: Application stop command,
  • uninstall: Application uninstall command (with automatic stop of the application before uninstalling).

By default, the application uses the configuration files ( and fop.xconf) in the sub-directory ..\conf (in relation to the bin directory containing the apeService.bat script).

To specify another directory containing the configuration files, use the installation options like:

apeService.bat "my ape service" -install -JVMoptions "-Dcom.hardis.adelia.mergedocengine.freemarker.conf=c:\my conf dir" "-Dcom.hardis.adelia.transformxslfoengine.fop.conf=c:\my conf dir"

Similarly, to specify a Spring Boot configuration file (for example the one in the config sub-directory), use the installation options like:

apeService.bat "my ape service" -install -JVMoptions "-Dspring.config.location=..\conf\application.yml"

By default, two logging files (containing the console's output and error logs) called <service name>_out.log and <service name>_err.log are created in the bin sub-directory (containing the apeService.bat script).

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