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is the Adelia reserved word which contains the total number of records present in the subfile.



is the Adelia reserved word which contains the number of records present in the last loaded subfile page.



is the Adelia reserved word which contains the number of records contained in the subfile page when the subfile is loaded in dynamic mode.



is the Adelia reserved word which retrieves the first record sequence number for the displayed page in the subfile.



is the variable generated by Adelia to work with the subfile record sequence number.
In the AS/400 context, this variable is also associated with the SFLRCDNBR keyword which displays the subfile page which contains the record sequence number. It must be declared at the prototype level.




field = WRAN01 GW = WRAN01 Ln = 4 Dec = 0 Ref = *NODEF


Important note: The root of this variable is defined in the generation standards (WRAN0 by default).


You must specify the corresponding subfile number (n) in all of the above keywords. This number was given to the subfile format when creating the corresponding screen layout (*n).



is the Adelia reserved word used to redisplay the subfile page currently in use.

    • At the beginning of the program, this reserved word has the value defined in the generation standards (option 11 ® F18 ® F10 in Adelia/400).
    • If the reserved word equals 1, the page currently displayed is always redisplayed before a program or another transaction is called from the subfile.
    • If the reserved word equals 0, the page which contains the record corresponding to the WRAN0n value is redisplayed.


Click here for the detailed explanation of the reserved words.


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