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"Available" corrections

Corrections have this status when they are created. Any objects assigned to the correction can be modified, and cannot be assigned to another correction.

If a modified object is removed from a correction, its version in the production environment is restored in the correction environment (i.e. the operation is undone).


"To be validated" corrections

Once the objects in a correction are considered to have been corrected, the correction's status must be switched from "Available" to "To be validated". The correction is then 'frozen' – no new objects can be assigned to it. In addition, the assigned objects can no longer be modified and cannot yet be assigned to another correction. This status lets you test the correction in the knowledge that the objects are not being modified by another user.

If your changes prove unsatisfactory, you can cancel the operation using the Cancel "To be validated" option. The correction status will then be reset to "Available": you will then be able to modify the correction and objects again.


"Validated" corrections

Corrections take this status when they have been validated in the production environment (once the objects in the correction have been made operational).

The correction can no longer be modified; it can no longer be a default correction, and all the objects that were in it will be available for inclusion in another correction cycle.


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