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To save the Translation Manager execution traces, create a file named TradMan.csv in the %ADELIWS% directory.


The actions performed when the Translation Manager is run can be logged, provided the %ADELIWS% directory contains a file named TradMan.csv. The traces are saved in this file, by concatenation on a per-session basis.

This keeps a record of the various actions involving the constants.


Note: If this trace file exists, it should be cleaned by the user to prevent it from becoming too large. It can also be deleted if it is no longer considered necessary.


Sample TradMan.csv file contents:

2006-08-23-; ASSOCIATE      ; 000004586; 000004589   ; [constant a     ]

2006-08-23-; DISSOCIATION ; 000004586; 000004589   ; [constant a     ]

2006-08-23-; SPLIT            ; 000006071; 000011850   ; [constant a           ]

2006-08-23-; MERGE       ; 000011850; 000006071   ; [constant a             ]; Constants removed: 000006071

2006-08-23-; VALIDATE     ; 000011850;              ; [constant a                ]; Program: 000001546 Window: 0003

2006-08-23-; INVALIDATE  ; 000011850;              ; [constant a              ]; Program: 000001546 Window: 0003

2006-08-23-; DELETE         ; 000004186

2006-08-23-; EDIT             ; 000011781;              ; [constant a     ]; Comment [] -> [new comment for a]

2006-08-24-; SPLIT       ; 000000344; 000011851   ; [constant a          ]

2006-08-24-; SPLIT       ; 000011851; 000011852   ; [constant a           ]


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