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Warning: This topic only affects Adelia/400.


First solution

1. You must restore (through IBM commands) the Conception environment library by renaming it (for example, CONLIBSEC).

2. You must define a Conception environment (for example, CONENVSEC), with the library previously restored (CONLIBSEC) as an environment library.

3. If the object to be retrieved is an ADELIA-type program:

You must restore the Development environment library in which the layout drawing and the program source have been stored.
This library must be restored and renamed (for example, DEVLIBSEC):

      • If the program has a public visibility, the Development environment library to be restored is the library specified at the Conception environment description level.

      • If the program has a private visibility, the Development environment library to be restored is the library specified at the application area level to which the program is attached.


You must then define (through the HA#WRKENV command) a Development environment (for example, DEVENVSEC), with the library previously restored (DEVLIBSEC) as an environment library:

      • If the program is of public type, you must specify (with the HS#WRKENV command) the new Development environment created (DEVENVSEC), as an associated Development environment.

      • If the program is of private type, you must specify, at the application area level to which the program is attached, the new Development environment created (DEVENVSEC), as an associated Development environment.


4. Finally, whatever the case, you must use the exchange manager to send the newly created environment and receive it into the environment in which the object must be retrieved.



Second solution

  1. Use the HA#RSTMOD command to retrieve the program in Adelia Development from a backup.

  2. Then use option 80 to retrieve the program into Adelia Conception.

Important note: Any fields not linked by the data flow will have no logical origin. Any program details used exclusively by Adelia Conception (program templates, management rules directly assigned to the program and transaction templates) will also be lost.


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