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In order to verify the consistency of a graph, select either:

  • The Verify the model option from the Graph menu in the CDM.

  • The Verify option from the Program menu in the SSG.

  • The Verify option from the Program template menu in the SSG.

To verify the consistency of a transaction, a transaction template or report template, select either:

  • The Verify option from the Transaction menu in the screen Layout manager.

  • The Verify option from the Transaction template menu in the screen Layout manager.

  • The Verify option from the Report menu in the report Layout manager.

To rename logical properties or import them into the CDM, select the corresponding context-sensitive menu options (or the equivalent button) in the Entities or Logical properties tab of the CDM conceptual property import tool.


To generate the Logical and Physical Data Model (PDM) for a logical entity, an access or a join entity, click the Generate button in one of the corresponding tabs of the LDM/PDM screen.


This dialog box displays the list of errors which results from the control of consistency of the current graph (Conceptual Data Model or Screen Sequencing Graph) or of the transaction, the transaction template or the current report.


A box of the same type also displays the warning or error messages generated during all the verifications or generations performed by Adelia Studio.




This button closes the dialog box.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.



This button prints the diagnosis.

The printing job is submitted to the Job manager.



This button opens a system dialog box which is used to save the diagnosis in a file.


It is possible to correct the detected inconsistencies while retaining on the screen the dialog box containing the diagnosis, for a quick look-up at the error list.



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