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The "adusrmgr.exe" tool is used to create/delete a software engineer via the command line. You must be an environment administrator in order to use it.

Usage: adusrmgr <environ> -create -name <name> [-description <desc>]

                [-system_profile <profile>] [-as400_profile <profile>] -admin

       adusrmgr <environ> -delete -name <name> [-owner <owner_name>]

       adusrmgr <environ> -import -group <group_name> [-keepPrefix] [-admin]

       adusrmgr <environ> -assign_role (<name>|*all|*admin|*not_admin)

               <role> [<role>]*

       adusrmgr <environ> -de_assign_role (<name>|*all|*admin|*not_admin)

                (<role> [<role>]*|*all)

       adusrmgr <environ> -revoke_authorities (<name>|*all|*admin|*not_admin)

Creating a software engineer

The -create option is used to create a software engineer.  The parameters are as follows:


Name of software engineer (mandatory, must use the syntax of an Adelia name).


Description of software engineer. Optional.


System profile associated with the software engineer. Optional, the same as the software engineer's name if missing.


400 system profile. Optional, derived from the system profile if missing.


Creates the software engineer as an administrator.

Deleting a software engineer

The -delete option is used to delete an existing software engineer.


Name of the software engineer who will become the owner of objects initially belonging to the deleted software engineer. Optional, by default, the object property will be transferred to the current software engineer.

Importing from a Windows group

The -import option creates a software engineer for each user present in a Windows group. The software engineer name and 400 profile are deduced from the Windows profile name.


Group name, on the active authentication server by default.

The "APPLICATION AREA\GroupName" is accepted for importing users from an application area group even if authentication is carried out locally on a server.


Keeps the application area prefix in the system profile name (APPLICATION AREA\UserName). Optional, disabled by default.
This parameter is useful with the SQL Server which, in Windows authentication, keeps this prefix.


Imports the software engineers as administrators.

Adding or deleting user roles for an Adelia software engineer

The -assign_role and -de_assign_role options assign or revoke the assignment of a role to an Adelia software engineer respectively. These options are only available if the authentication mode is "Adelia".

The first parameter following the command is the software engineer's name. Special values *all, *admin and *not_admin are used to apply the command to all software engineers, administrators and non-administrators respectively with the following parameters designating the roles to process. The *all parameter of the de_assign_role command detaches all roles from the user. 

Deleting authorities explicitly assigned to an Adelia software engineer

The -revoke_authorities option deletes all the authorities explicitly assigned to an Adelia software engineer. This command does not modify the user roles, the software engineer can still inherit specific authorities from the roles.

This command takes the software engineer's name as a parameter. Special values *all, *admin and *not_admin are used to apply the command to all software engineers, administrators and non-administrators respectively.

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