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This macro represents the <fox:external-document> tag (click here for more details).

It produces <fox:external-document src="..." /> as an output (see

This tag is used to insert the content of an external document in PDF format in the produced document. To use it, the XML "xmlns:fox" namespace needs to be defined in the APE template as follows:

<@hardisFo.foRoot xmlns\:fox="">


In a template, this tag must be a child of the hardisFo.foRoot tag (so at the same level as hardisFo.foPageSequence tags).

A single page can be inserted into a PDF document. To do this, the tag's SRC attribute must contain a URL defining the external document and ending in "#page=XXX" where XXX represents the page number in this document.

Empty directive: Yes




Alphanumeric character from URI to a document


This macro may also have optional parameters (see associated tag specification).

For example

<#-- Include a PDF document in the same data sub-directory of the directory containing the main template -->
<@hardisFo.foxExternalDocument contentType="pdf" src=hardisCore.templateResToBase64DataURI("data/sample_pdf_doc.pdf", "main", "application/pdf")/>

<#-- Include a PDF document in the directory c:\data -->
<@hardisFo.foxExternalDocument contentType="pdf" src="url(file:///C:/data/sample_pdf_doc.pdf)"/>

<#-- Include the third page of the PDF document defined by this example URL -->
<@hardisFo.foxExternalDocument content-type="pdf" src=""/>

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