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This function converts a relative path (in alphanumeric string form) pointing to a resource (image, etc.) into an alphanumeric string in Data-URI format (click here fore more details).

The syntax of the returned alphanumeric string is:

?data:<media type>;base64,<data> 


  • media type: MIME type deduced from the URL content analysis,
  • data: series of Base64-encoded numbers.


Automatic MIME type deduction starts when the mimeType parameter is not present. It is performed via javax.ImageIO APIs. These natively support the following formats:

  • BMP: Bitmap format (image/bmp MIME type),
  • WBMP: Wireless Bitmap format (image/vnd.wap.wbmp MIME type),
  • PNG: Portable Network Graphics format (image/png MIME type),
  • GIF: Graphics interchange format (image/gif MIME type),
  • JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group format (image/jpeg MIME type).


To specify an unrecognized MIME type, enter the mimeType parameter with an alphanumeric string representing the MIME type. Click here for more details.
Relative path resolution:

The transformation from relative to absolute path is based on the templateOrigin parameter. It can take the following values:

  • "main": the resolution is based on the location of the main template (i.e. the one initially chosen by the template engine),
  • "caller": the resolution is based on the location of the template calling this macro. This may be different from the main template if it was included using <#include> or <#import> directives.




Relative path pointing to an item of data to convert




Template chosen for relativePath resolution.

The possible values are:

  • "main": main template,
  • "caller": template calling this function.

Optional. The default value is "main".



Mime type of the data represented by relativePath




Maximum timeout value (in milliseconds) used for connecting to and reading relativePath data.

The possible values are:

< 0: use of Java default values,

= 0: no timeout (unlimited wait),

> 0: set value


The default value is -1.


For example

<@hardisFo.foExternalGraphic src=hardisCore.templateResToBase64URI("./resources/logo.png") contentWidth="200px" contentWidth="300px"/>

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