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There are three types of installation:

Installation via Reflex

From a browser on a PC:

1.  Open the URL for your Reflex instance: http://<web server name>:port/reflex/updater

On the terminal:

2. Make sure that the bar code reader configuration allows input via keyboard.

3. Scan the code with the Android terminal to start the installation.

4. Enter your Reflex user login and password.

5. You can also enter the above link into a browser window on the Android terminal and click the application to start the installation.

For terminals running Android 11 or later, you also need to complete the following:

6. Start the application.

7. Because the application has not been configured yet, the environments menu will display.

8. Click the "Create using bar code" menu.

9. Scan the bar code that is displayed on the PC.

10. Create a shortcut.

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Installing from the Google Play Store

From a browser on a PC:
  1. Open the URL for your Reflex instance: http://<web server name>:port/reflex/updater

On the terminal:

2. Select the "Reflex Web" application in the Google Play Store.

3. Install the application.

4. Start the application.

5. Because the application has not been configured yet, the environments menu will display.

6. Click the "Create using bar code" menu.

7. Scan the bar code displayed on the PC.

8. Create a shortcut.


  • Because it is not possible to auto-update from the Reflex server, you will need to manually update the Reflex application on your terminal.

  • Accessing the file system is not permitted, which means that auto-signed certificates must use the Store system. Certain terminals will therefore need PIN protection.

  • Since it is not possible to access the file system, it will not be possible to deploy a local configuration file.

  • If these constraints are too restrictive, download Reflex Apk from the Reflex server instead of the Google Play Store.

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Manual installation

The Android application is located on the Reflex server in the REFLEX_HOME/product/java/mobile/reflexWeb.apk folder.

To connect to the Reflex server, the Android application requires the access URL at minimum.

Loading the configuration

The system searches for the configuration in the /sdcard/Hardis/Reflex/Conf/configurations.xml file. This file contains the list of configurations.

Example of the content in this file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



<url>http://<web server name>:port /reflex?RFXENV=<nom_environnement>&amp;RFXPGM=HEPWAG&amp;RFXFOR=01</url>





A configuration will need to be created for:

  • each Reflex environment,

  • each terminal orientation (portrait/landscape),

  • each application resolution (320x240, 640x480, 800x600).

Loading the configuration parameters

Once it finds the configuration URL, the application connects to the Reflex server and searches for the parameters to be downloaded. For example, it

  • searches for the Key field (value of "1_Portrait" in our example above) in the REFLEX_HOME/conf/ file.:Example of a file:[URL]url/androidApk;[URL]url/androidEmulatorConfigMobilePortrait\:1_Portrait=[URL]url/androidApk;[URL]url/androidEmulatorConfigMobilePortrait\:2_Landscape=[URL]url/androidApk;[URL]url/androidEmulatorConfigMobileLandscape

  • The REFLEX_HOME/conf/androidEmulatorConfigMobilePortrait.propertiesserver file is then downloaded.
    This is a commented file containing explanations of the possible parameter values.

Setting parameter values directly

It is possible to force the Reflex Apk parameter values without having to define the configurations or download parameters. You can do this as follows:

  • Copy the required REFLEX_HOME/conf/android*.properties file to /Hardis/Reflex/Conf/

  • Then edit the file by adding the following lines to the start of the file:



The connection_url is made up of the connection mode (http or https), followed by the name of the server or load balancer, and finally the port number, if needed.

values_of_url_parameters contains the value of the "url_parameters variable" found at the start of the .properties file you just created.

config_key corresponds to the value found on the reflex/updater page (URL in the installation report) or in the conf/ file.

Click here to download an example of file to put in /Hardis/Reflex/Conf/.

Taking updates into account

Updating Reflex Apk

If the disable_auto_update parameter is set to "false", when Reflex Apk starts for the first time each day, it automatically checks for a more recent update or for changes to the parameters file on the Reflex server.

It is possible to manually request an update using the Update menu in Reflex Apk.

Updating parameters

Parameters are managed as follows:

Parameters can be modified by the user from the Reflex Apk parameters menu and are taken into account immediately. If they are populated in the file, they will be overwritten by the parameter values in the file the next time it is read.

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Advanced configuration

Https specification - Auto-signed certificate or company certificate

It is possible to automate the import of auto-signed certificates in the Reflex application on the Android terminal. This does not apply to paid certificates as they already take this process into account.

Creating the keystore

The Keystore can only be created on a Reflex server that has a web role (Java is required).

Create the "keystore" using the following command (cmd or Linux):

keytool -importcert -v -trustcacerts ?file certificatename -alias certificatealias -keystore storename -provider

org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider -providerpath bcprovjar -storetype BKS -storepass storepass -noprompt

certificatename: Name of the certificate file (with path if needed)

certificatealias: Alias to be assigned to this certificate.

storename: Name of the keystore file to be generated/modified.

bcprovjar: Path to the "bcprov" jar file (provided in Reflex for the web and processing roles. It is located in the $REFLEX_HOME/product/java/reflexcloud/WEB-INF/lib/ folder and its name starts with bcprov-jdk.

For example: /hardis/reflex/product/java/reflexcloud/WEB-INF/lib/bcprov-jdk15on-1.60.jar)

storepass: Keystore password

Modifying the file

The following lines must be added to the file:

# created truststore


# Password to access to local truststore (default changeit)


ssl_trust_store corresponds to the name of the "keystore" that you have already created or will create after this step.

ssl_trust_store_password corresponds to the "storepass" password that you have already created or will create after this step.

Then copy the file and the keystore to the following folder on the terminal:  /Hardis/Reflex/Conf/

Also add the following three lines to the start of the file:




ssl_private_store: If this option is checked, secure (SSL) connections will use the application’s certificates instead of the system's certificates (True: Auto-signed; False: Paid).

ssl_allow_all_hosts: If this option is selected, the server name will not be verified during SSL(True: Auto-signed; False: Paid).

disable_auto_update: Deactivates automatic updates and configuration.
It should be set to "False" if you want Reflex to perform the update

Configuration files on the Reflex server

Android applications use the following configuration files:
conf/storeConfig.propertiesList of Reflex Store applications.
The Android application is located in product/java/mobile
conf/androidEmulatorConfig*.propertiesGeneral Android mobile application parameters.
conf/wagon.xmlDefines the application.

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