La liste montre le contenu étiquetté avec l'étiquette suivante:
Pour ajouter une étiquette aux étiquettes requises, choisissez « + labelname » dans Étiquettes associées.
Methods of the TREE VIEW Object
- treeview
- set_focus
- add
- add_image
- add_image_from_url
- browse
- copy
- cut
- dd_data_available
- dd_cancel_data
- dd_execute_drag
- dd_read_data
- dd_write_data
- delete
- expand
- get_associated_variable
- get_background_color
- get_check_box
- get_child
- get_cursor_location
- get_depth
- get_description
- get_drag_drop
- get_edit
- get_image
- get_nb_children
- get_next
- get_parent
- get_previous
- get_text
- get_text_color
- is_related
- paste
- set_associated_variable
- set_background_color
- set_cursor_location
- set_check_box
- set_description
- set_drag_drop
- set_edit
- set_image
- set_text
- set_text_color
- sort
Methods of the LIST Object
- get_line_height
- get_operation_mode
- initialize_filter_fields
- refresh_columns
- retrieve_column_properties
- retrieve_column_value
- retrieve_frozen_columns
- set_column_properties
- set_column_values
- set_frozen_columns
- set_operation_mode
- get_mouse_evt_keys
- set_mouse_evt_keys
- add_image2
- delete_image
- erase_sort_indicators
- export_list
- execute_auto_filters
- get_cell_coordinates
- get_columns
- set_focus
- list_bgo
- add_image
- add_image_from_url
- dd_data_available
- dd_cancel_data
- dd_execute_drag
- dd_read_data
- dd_write_data
- refresh_list
Methods of the ICON_GRID Object
- add_icon
- add_page
- align_icons
- delete_icon
- delete_page
- get_icon_data
- get_icon_image
- get_icon_notif_colors
- get_icon_notif_text
- get_icon_position
- get_icon_text
- icon_at
- set_icon_data
- set_icon_image
- set_icon_notif_colors
- set_icon_notif_text
- set_icon_position
- set_icon_text
- icon_grid
- dd_data_available
- dd_cancel_data
- dd_execute_drag
- dd_read_data
- dd_write_data
- set_icon_colors
- get_icon_colors