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French version



To create a user entitled to connect to the server, select the Create option from the context-sensitive menu in the Users tab in the Server configuration dialog box.


To modify a user definition, you must either:

  • Select the Modify option from the context-sensitive menu in the Users tab in the Server configuration dialog box.
    The cursor must be positioned over a profile.
  • Double-click on a profile.


Data entry


User's connection profile.


Important: The case will be checked when a profile is typed in (i.e. distinction between capitals and lowercase letters).



Remark associated with the connection profile.



Password for the connection profile.


Important: The case will be checked when the password for a profile is typed in (i.e. distinction between capitals and lowercase letters).



Access path leading to the directory where the server part of the Visual/Web programs for this user is located.


Check boxes



The user will be valid.

Not checked

The user will be invalidated. His or her icon will be struck out in the user list in the Users tab .
Invalidated users are no longer authorized to connect to the server.


Note: After three failed attempts, the user will be automatically invalidated.



Create / Modify

This button validates the information entered and closes the dialog box.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the information entered.


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