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Client/Server configuration



To define the configuration for a client machine, you must either:

  • Select the Client configuration option from the Visual/Web runtime subfolder in the Adelia Studio folder. It can also be accessed via the application launcher provided with the runtime, or via the list of shortcuts associated with the Adelia icons in the task bar.

  • Execute the command MWCONFIG /C DirectoryOrFileName (where DirectoryOrFileName is an optional parameter).

  • Execute the command java com.hardis.adelia.configuration.CfgSetup /C DirectoryOrFileName (where DirectoryOrFileName is an optional parameter).

Important: This concerns VADELIA, SADELIA and WADELIA programs only.


The commands quoted above create a configuration file MWCLIENT.INI. We recommend placing this file in the directory where the client programs are located. To do this, you can either run the commands from the client program directory, or else create a shortcut specifying the client program directory as the startup directory.


Note: If the file MWCLIENT.INI is not located in the client program directory, the system will search for it among those available in the PATH system.

With the Windows version, it is possible to create a system variable that points to the client configuration file.

MW_CLIENT_FILE: this system variable points to the client configuration file path.


If the file MWCLIENT.INI is not found in the specified directory, a Windows system dialog box will open, letting you select the directory in which the client configuration file will be created.

When the product is installed, the Client configuration option is set to start by default in the Adelia installation directory.

When the client machine configuration is defined in this directory, the directory selection system dialog box is not opened.


The configurator parameters for client machines are set out on five pages:

To modify any of these pages, just click the relevant tab.


Click the right mouse button on the list in the active tab (except the Trace tab) to call a context-sensitive menu.




The buttons below are valid for the whole dialog box, regardless which page is currently active.




This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.



This button validates the modifications made without closing the dialog box.


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