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Client/Server configuration


Prerequisites: The AS/400 part of Adelia Studio must be installed on the AS/400.


The AS/400 server procedure contains a number of stages, as explained below:


1. On the AS/400, create your users using the CRTUSRPRF IBM command.

    The initial library list (keyword INLLIBL) in their job description (JOBD) must contain:

      • the HA2SLIB library,
      • the library containing the AS/400 server modules generated,
      • the library containing the SQL tables or files used.


2. On the AS/400, start TCP/IP using the STRTCP IBM command.


3. Then, start the Adelia daemon using the STRAWSSVR Adelia command in the HA2SLIB library.
    This command submits a job (AWSDAEMON) which listens for connection requests sent by the Adelia Studio development workstations.
    Command parameters:

      • PORT_NAME: set to "AWS_SERVER" by default; this parameter is used to specify a TCP/IP service name if the PORT_NBR parameter is optional.
      • PORT_NBR: Port 910 is used by default. This parameter can be used to specify a different port.
      • TIMEOUT: Specifies the timeout beyond which any orphan server processes (i.e. processes whose client parts are no longer responding) are terminated. If TIMEOUT is set to 0 or is not specified, the timeout will be disabled. The timeout is set to 0 seconds by default. The minimum value is 60 seconds.


Important: The profile used to start the Adelia daemon must possess the AS/400 authorities *ALLOBJ , *JOBCTL , and possibly the *SECADM authority.

The HA2SLIB library must appear in the initial library list (keyword INLLIBL) in its job description (JOBD).


The daemon can be stopped using the following command:


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