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To open this page, click the Criteria definition tab in the Maintenance manager window.


This page lets you configure the search criteria. You can then run the search by clicking the Find button.

The search results will be displayed in one of the two result pages.


Search scope

Data entry

Search in

This list lets you limit the search scope. You can perform a search on an application area, on the entire repository, or on the objects returned by a previous search (Results page 1, 2 or total).

By default, the search is performed on the current application area.


Note: When a search is performed on the results of a previous search, only the options of the "Program using" combo box are available.


Object attributes

An object's attributes may be specified in the case of a repository or application area search.


Several types of search can be performed based either on the object's Adelia name or the short name.

The latter is the one that defines the generated object: a program, a file, a JSP file, etc.


The object's attributes are not available if the search is performed from previous search results.


Data entry

Adelia name

The search is performed using the object's Adelia name and involves all types of Adelia object.

You can use the * and ? wildcard characters (regular expressions). If this field is left blank, there will be no results.

Default: "*".

The field is only visible if the field in the Object attributes list has the "Adelia object" value.



You can enter an object description to restrict the search. You can use the * and ? wildcard characters (regular expressions).

If this field is left blank, there will be no results.

Default: "*".

The field is only visible if the field in the Object attributes list has the "Adelia object" value.


File name

The search is performed using a file name or SQL table. The search is only performed on logical entities, indexes and join entities.

You can use the * and ? wildcard characters (regular expressions). If this field is left blank, there will be no results.

Default: "*".

The field is only visible if the field in the Object attributes list has the "file/table" value.


Object name

The search is performed using a program name. The search is only performed on program-type Adelia objects.

You can use the * and ? wildcard characters (regular expressions). If this field is left blank, there will be no results.

Default: "*".

The field is only visible if the field in the Object attributes list has the "product object" value.


JSP object name

The search is performed using a JSP file name. The search is only performed on Adelia Web program-type Adelia objects.

You can use the * and ? wildcard characters (regular expressions). If this field is left blank, there will be no results.

Default: "*".

The field is only visible if the search attribute is the JSP file.


Date created (From / Until)

Only those objects created between the specified dates will be selected if the relevant boxes are checked.

Default: current date, with the boxes unchecked.


Date modified (From / Until)

Only those objects modified between the specified dates will be selected if the relevant boxes are checked.

Default: current date, with the boxes unchecked.



    • If you want to modify the creation or modification date fields, you must check the boxes located to their left. You should then select the day, month or year and change it either by clicking the arrows to the box's right or by entering the required date directly on the keyboard.
    •  You can enter a start (''From'') date without specifying an end ("Until") date, and vice versa. In this case, the shaded date in the unselected box will be ignored when the search is performed.


Radio buttons


Only objects that satisfy the chosen criterion will be selected: objects with Private, Public or Any visibility.

Default: "Any".


Note: By definition, all objects that are only linked to the repository (SEN, APA, FLD, EXC_S, EXC_R, GRA, INS and SRV) have Any or Public visibility.




This list lets you only search for objects that belong to a given software engineer or owner.

Default: [Undefined] (objects will be selected irrespective of their owner).


Belongs to

This list lets you filter the search for objects "belonging" to other objects, held by a correction, part of a task or installation.

The list does not display all possible objects. To select an object that is not displayed, use the appropriate "Select..." option in the list. A dialog box is displayed allowing you to choose the object. The name and type of the selected object appear in the list.

Default value: [Unspecified] (sources will be searched for irrespective of their owner).


Object type

This tree list sets out the various object types that can be sought.

By default, all types are checked. To exclude an object type from the search, just uncheck the box to its left.



The object type list will vary according to whether or not the Application area radio button is checked.

When you want to search in a specific application area only, certain object types disappear: SEN, APA, FLD, EXC_S, EXC_R, GRA, INS and SRV. These object types are only linked to the repository and cannot be linked to a specific application area.

You should also note that when the user switches from Application area to Repository, any preselections made for the SEN, APA, FLD, EXC_S, EXC_R, GRA, INS and SRV types in the tree list will be lost, because the list is recompiled.

This list also varies according to the settings of the fields in the Programs using field (in which case any check marks are lost).

Finally, the list is modified according to the object attribute chosen to perform the search (in this case, all the box checks are lost).


Selection of management rules according to type

Radio buttons

Exactly all types

Only the rules whose source type is exactly (and only) that defined by the Object type list may be found during the search.


If Adelia and Visual types are checked, then only the management rules whose source type is Adelia AND Visual can be found.

If Web type is checked, then only the management rules whose source type is Web can be found.

At least one of the selected types

Only the rules with at least one of the source types defined in the Object type list may be found during the search.


If the Adelia and Web source types are checked, then only the management rules whose source type is either Adelia or Web, or Adelia and Web, may be found.



Radio buttons

Result page 1

If this radio button is checked, the search results will be displayed on the page in the Result 1 tab.


Result page 2

The search results will be displayed in the page in the Result 2 tab.


Important: Each new search overwrites the results already displayed on the relevant page.


Programs using


Object attributes

Used to choose which type of search to perform.

The File name field is made visible.
The search is performed on the file name or SQL table produced.
The Object type tree view list only contains the following types: Logical entities, Index and Join entities.

JSP file
The JSP object name field is made visible.
The search is performed on the JSP name of Adelia Web programs.
The Object type tree view list only contains the following types: Adelia Web Interactive program and Adelia Web Batch program.

Product object
The Object name is made visible.
The search is performed on the object name produced when generating a program. It can be the name of a DLL, an AS400 object, a Java class, the IBM name of a task or the layout code of a report.
The Object type tree view list contains all the Adelia program types, Report types (Adelia and Crystal Reports) and the Task type.

Adelia objects
The Adelia name and Description fields are made visible.
The search is performed on the Adelia name and object description.
The tree view list contains all the Adelia object types.


NB: when the Programs using drop-down list contains a value other than [Undefined], the search can only be performed by Adelia Name and the object description.


Programs using

This list box lets you select which programs to find, according to the object types they use.

Possible values:



"Dictionary constant"





"Join entity"

"Error message"


"Management rule"

"Web service"

Default: "[Undefined]"


Setting anything other than [Undefined] activates the filter below.

This also changes the Object type tree list: only programs will then be displayed, letting the user select them.

To redisplay all the object types in the Object type list, select [Undefined] again.


If the value is different from [Undefined], the object attributes to set must be the Adelia name and its description. The other search criteria are not accessible.



This field is only active when a value other than [Undefined] is selected in the Programs using list box.

This field lets you select (either using the filter or typing directly in the input field) the name of an entity, constant, Web service, etc. for which you want to determine the links with the programs to be sought (since in this case the search will return a selection of programs).


Completing the Programs using field and the Filter lets you perform the following types of search:


Programs using


Sought programs

Entity / Access


Programs whose types are checked in the Object type list (Adelia Interactive, Visual Batch, etc.), which meet the search criteria set (Date created, Owner, etc.) that use the EntityName entity (or at least an access in the entity).

(Class, Dictionary constants, Entities, Functions, Acccesses, Join entities, Error messages, Programs, Management rules, Web services)


Programs whose types are checked in the Object type list (Adelia Interactive, Visual Batch, etc.), which meet the search criteria set (Date created, Owner, etc.) that use the Adelia ObjectName object.


Important note:

The internal tables corresponding to the search criteria " Programs using" and "Filter" are updated by the program generation.

The internal tables corresponding to entities, accesses and join entities are updated by the program generation from Adelia/IWS version 8.2.

The internal tables corresponding to dictionary constants, user functions, error messages, programs and Web services are updated by the program generation from Adelia Studio version 11, PTF02.




This button is used to start the search.

The search leaves the user in control. You can browse between the various tabs to check how the search is progressing. However, all buttons are disabled during the search, and you cannot exit the Maintenance manager or change the search criteria.

The only action available to the user is to stop the search with the Stop button.


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