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To access a program's variables, select the program in the top tab bearing its name, then select the Variables bottom tab in the Visual/Web debugger window's workspace.


This tab shows a list containing all the variables in a program:


With simple variables, the name of the procedure (or window) in which the variable is defined is shown between square brackets, unless it is a global variable.


Special variables (arrays, lists, data structures and views) are represented by special icons.

One-dimensional array,

Two-dimensional array,

Data structure,

Memory list,



The right-hand column shows the variable's definition (i.e. its type and length).

Single-selection list.


Context-sensitive menu

Add to monitoring

This option lets you add the selected variable to the variable monitoring feature.

With array variables, this option opens a dialog box that lets you add array elements to the variable monitoring feature.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + A.


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