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A Tree view lets you present information as a tree structure.

The tree structure is made up of node elements (elements with subelements or child elements) or leaf elements (elements with no child elements).

Each element is defined by a text that represents it visually in the tree structure. Additionally, you can associate an image with each element; the image will appear to the left of the text. Lastly, you can associate data with each element, in the form of an Adelia variable or a DS.


This object also lets you perform drag and drop operations. It already supported this feature internally via certain events and properties (which have been retained for compatibility reasons).

A number of new events, properties and methods have been added, to allow drag and drop between two tree views, whether in the same program or in different programs, or between a tree view and another Visual object that supports drag and drop. We recommend using the new version of the drag and drop feature.


Important: If both drag and drop versions are used with the same object, only the new version will be taken into account at execution time.


The tree view can act as the data source for a drag and drop operation if the DD_BeginDrag event is supported by the Visual Adelia program.

The tree view can be the destination of a drag and drop operation if the DD_DROP_ALLOWED property is set to *TRUE.


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