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Most of the options in the Program menu and RAD Template menu and Management rule menu open an Input help dialog box, with a tab for each option.


The dialog box Input help can also be displayed using this icon in the 4GL Editor's toolbar.


This dialog box will remain visible at all times, displayed over the 4GL Editor.


Note: You can minimize the dialog box by double-clicking on the title bar, which will leave only the title bar visible. Any data loaded in the dialog box will be retained, and the dialog box can be maximized by double-clicking on the title bar again.


Each tab opens a page showing a list of the corresponding objects. These objects will mainly be from the source in the active window.


Objects can be inserted into the active window's source view either by using the Retrieve option in the context-sensitive menu.


If the context-sensitive menu does not contain a Refresh option, the object list will be updated automatically when the user performs an action affecting the contents of the list. Such actions include changing the active document, creating a block, changing the name of an object, etc.




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