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This menu is used to display or hide the tool bar and the status bar, which are located at the top and bottom of the screen, respectively.

It can also be used to display or hide the layout grid or the graphical object palette.

Zoom in

This option increases the size of the template being edited.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt++.

Zoom out

This option decreases the size of the template being edited.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+-.

Actual size

This option returns the template size to its default value.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+0.

Tool bar

If the option is checked, the tool bar will be visible.

Click the option to hide it. You can display it again by clicking on the option a second time.

Status bar

If the option is checked, the status bar will be visible.

Click the option to hide it. You can display it again by clicking on the option a second time.


If the option is checked, the layout grid will be visible.

Click the option to hide it. You can display it again by clicking on the option a second time.

Note: when the grid is visible, press and hold the Ctrl key to move objects pixel by pixel.


If the option is checked, the palette (or the Place dialog box) will be visible.

Click the option to hide it. You can display it again by clicking the option a second time.

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