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Client/Server configuration


Configuring servers

You must create a configuration for the server.
To do so, run the following command:

java com.hardis.adelia.configuration.CfgSetup /S


The java com.hardis.adelia.configuration.CfgSetup /S command creates a file MWSERVER.INI.


The configuration file (MWSERVER.INI) that will be created need not necessarily be included in the PATH environment variable.

However, it must be specified in the file, which must in turn be included in the Classpath of the machine on which the Java Middleware daemon is run.


The configuration procedure can be broken down into two steps:



First you must create the user PAUL:



Then you must define the database PRODUCT:



Starting servers

Start the servers by running the Java Middleware daemon using the command
java com.hardis.middleware.MwServer 3500 MT


Note: For more information about the MT and MP options, refer to the section headed Starting the Java Middleware Daemon.



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