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Object containing a modifiable text box and a pushbutton. This object specifies the name of a file present on the user's workstation. The specified file will be uploaded to the Web application server when an ::ADELIA_EVT_UPL Adelia event is processed.


Use the text field to enter the file path (e.g. c:\My documents\my_cv.doc).

The pushbutton displays a file selection box. When a file is selected, its path is shown in the text box.

The file cannot be uploaded by the browser unless the HTML browser contains an upload form. (Check the "Upload form" box in the form properties.)


It is possible to set a maximum total size for the files uploaded via the form when an ::ADELIA_EVT_UPL Adelia event is processed. (To do this, enter a value in the "Maximum upload size" input field in the form properties box). You can restrict the size of the files processed by setting a size limit in kilobytes (1024 Kb for 1 Mb, etc.). Alternatively, you can use an ::MY_VAR Adelia variable to set a size limit per program.

If this field is left blank, no size limit is enforced.


Note: This size is defined as the total size of the query submitted by the browser when the form is submitted. As such, it includes not only the size(s) of the uploaded file(s), but also the size of the data for any other controls created (input fields, check boxes, etc.) and the size (approx. 1 kb) of the hidden data used by the Adelia Web program.

Therefore, any value set for this parameter should be treated as an approximate value.


The uploaded data volume is checked not by the browser, but by the Web application server once the data has been sent. Therefore, you should test the value of each Upload object's ERROR_CODE property in the 4GL code before retrieving the object's value.


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