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This class provides text style and properties management functions.



Inserting a 1cm indent on the first line of a paragraph:


NUM_BIN_4 rc

NUM_BIN_4 para


CALL_DLL 'DocxToolBx' 'StyleSetFirstLineIndent' para 1.0 rc



Or more efficiently, creating a style to insert the same indent:


NUM_BIN_4 rc

NUM_BIN_4 document

NUM_BIN_4 para

NUM_BIN_4 style


CALL_DLL 'DocxToolBx' 'StyleCreate' document 'NormalIndent' 'Normal indented' 'paragraph' 'Normal' style rc

CALL_DLL 'DocxToolBx' 'StyleSetFirstLineIndent' style 1.0 rc

CALL_DLL 'DocxToolBx' 'ParagraphSetStyle' para 'NormalIndent' rc




Functions in the DocxToolBx DLL:



List of DocxToolBx DLL function classes


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